Thats what i mean.

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The thing was still spinning.Izuku was scared...The others didnt see that thing whatever it was.Izuku didnt really look at that thing because he needed to focus on the calss.

Then it suddenly stopped and Izuku looked at that and saw 3 names but he couldnt figure what names it were because he suddenly passed out.The whole class was worried.It was already weird that he passed out in the middle of the class.

He woke up in his dorm and Uraraka and Tsuyu were next to him.Izuku was wondering why they were next to him.They looked at him really worried.They asked if everything was okay and Izuku told them that the thing started to spin.They got excited and wanted to know who the lucky one is.Izuku told them that he didnt see it,the only thing he saw was that it were 3 names.

Uraraka:So you dont know who they are?

Izuku:No,sadly not.

Uraraka:Do you think they know that your theyre soulmate?

Izuku:I dont know,I never thought of that.

Tsuyu:But if they would know why didnt they say anything?

Uraraka:You got a point.There is no reason to hide that.

Izuku just relised that they cared more about the situation than he did.

Izuku:Hey,Do you guys know who your soulmate is?

Tsuyu:I do.

Uraraka:I dont know.Who is your soulmate?

Tsuyu:I prefer not to say.

Izuku:Why did something happen?

Tsuyu:No but i am not ready to tell my soulmate yet,my soulmate is still 15

Izuku:Oh well thats fine!Lets go out somewhere.

Uraraka:Sure!Are you coming with us Tsu?

Tsuyu:Of course!

they got ready and went to the hallways,they saw Todoroki with Bakugou and Kirishima.It was really akward that they would hang out.They just walked past them and went outside.

-with Bakugou,Todoroki and Kirishima-

Bakugou:He doesnt know does he?

Kirishima:Problary not.

Todoroki:He turned 16 today he should know sometime.

Kirishima:You dont know if he knows?

Todoroki:No,I dont.I was with you all the time.

Bakugou:Maybe thats why we dont know,he is always hanging out with that 2 brats.

Kirishima:Dont be mean bro!

Todoroki:Bakugou,do you think he is wondering why i am with you guys?

Bakugou:Of course he is.Thats the shitty Deku,Of course is he wondering.

Kirishima:Your really mean Bakugou...

Todoroki:Bakugou isnt mean he is only angry at the people he likes.


Todoroki:See?Thats what i mean.

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