[The Berserker] Thor

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"Father please! I don't wanna-" "You will marry that prince! Whether you like it or not, you will marry him. Now leave, your marriage start in 3 weeks." You sob rush out from your father throne room head to your bedroom.

You sat on the bed cover your face with your hands started to cry what your father told you. Your father force you to get marry to a prince who's the same age as you and a bastard but you don't wanna to be marry to a prince. You want to go on a journey to explore have some freedom. But your father wouldn't let you have that, he teach you to be a perfect woman.

You hated it that he force you to be a perfect woman and marry a prince. You lay down on the bed sob quietly. You took a deep breath sat up on the bed wipe the tears from your cheeks. "That's it, I'm leaving this dump palace."

The night come and you pack your things to leave the castle. You put on your hood on open the balcony door and jump off land on the ground. You look up at the castle with last glance and run off leaving the villages.

The next day you arrive in the next villages, you walk around see everybody are shopping and wandering around. You like it that your traveling around, you felt the freedom in you now that your free from your father.

Your thoughts cut hear a loud scream, you turn around see the villagers running away from a big creature attacking the villages. You brought out your sword run toward the beast but a mysterious blur pass by you.

The beast suddenly got hit by a hammer with lightning around til the beast is smash to death. You eyes land a mysterious huge man who defeat the beast, out of nowhere another beast appear about to attack the man behind. You quickly rush and slice the beast in half.

The man turn around and his eyes wide see you slice the beast in half. The sun shine behind you and the spack of beast blood cover your face seeing you as a warrior. You land on the ground turn around meeting him "Are you okay sir?" You worry.

He nod his head "Who are you? I never seen a human strike the beast with one swift?" He ask. "I'm Y/n L/n, I'm a traveler. And you are?" "Thor" you titled your head "Thor? As in god of thunder?" He nod his head. "Well it's nice to meet you sir. I gotta go to continue my journey." You about to walk away "I'll come too." Thor follow you, you shrug it off letting him.

Both of you walk around middle of the grass field while talking in each other. "Let's stop here, it's time for lunch." You sat down on the ground bring out a sandwich from your bag and eating it. You look up to Thor that he's looking around, you brought out another sandwich "Hey Thor, sit down and eat." He sat down next to you grab the sandwich from your hand and eat it.

You finish eating look around the view, your eyes caught sight a flower field. You grin run toward the flower field, you pick up some flowers making a flower crown. "What are you doing?"

You jump in surprise turn around see Thor "Don't scare me like that! And to answer your question I'm making a flower crown." He knee down staring the flower crown.

You place the flower crown on his head, he look at you with wide eyes "It's a gift" "Why?" You sigh and said "Because I like you. I never had a friend because my father won't let me. You see my father force me to teach me a perfect woman and marry a prince but all I want is to travel around the world but my father won't let me."

Tears started to steam out your eyes, but they're wipe away by Thor. He gave you a head pat and said "Why not come with me, I'll take you to my palace and see amazing world." Your wide in shock "Really?" He nod his head held his hand out front of you, you grab his hand as Thor pick you up bridal style made you blush. The lighting struck you both.

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