[Sweets] Buddha

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You escape from the cult people who chose you to be the sacrificial bride for the god. You run fast as you can from the cult people chasing after you but a man is ahead of you grab you by the hair.

You try to break free from his grip "Sorry child but this is for your own good for the wrath of god." He about to drag you back in the cave but a shadow loom over you both.

Both of you look up meeting tall man with a staff, "What are you doing with that child?" He ask. "We had to sacrifice her for the wrath so we can be spare!" The cult man said. The tall man scoff pick you up from the man grip. "What are you-!" "Shuddup, listen here people, I don't care your wrath god come get me but I will face your god if you dare do a sacrificial again. I will kill you all."

He walk away with you in his arms, the cult shake in fear feeling an aura around him then run away. You look up at the mysterious man "W-who are you?" You stutter. "My name is Buddha and you are?" "Y-Y/n" Buddha smile at you.

Both of you arrive Buddha palace, he take you to his bedroom meeting three maids "Give the child a bath, clothes, and food." They nod their heads taking you to the bathroom first.

After you took a bath one of the maid help you with the clothes that is difficult to wear the kind of clothes. Then your taken to the dinning hall meeting Buddha sitting far table. You sit down by him waiting for the food arrive. "So Y/n, tell me about your life." You told him about your life was like before becoming the sacrifice.

Buddha understand the situation you've been through, he pat your head cheering you up. You look at him gave him small smile, he blush seeing you smile. The food arrive as the both of you begin to eat.

Weeks pass, you and Buddha get along together. Having fun, helping each other, helping the people, giving the kind to everybody on earth. People cherish you both seeing you as god and goddess.

Here you are sitting on ground of the garden field letting the butterflies and birds land on you. You chuckle started to sing in gentle tone. You didn't know someone is behind you but one of the bird know make a loud noise causing you jump in surprise. Turn around see Buddha smile at you "Hey, I've been looking for you kid." You giggle "Care to join?" He smirk sit down by you, the butterflies and birds flew away.

But unknown to you, he stare at your beautiful face. He place his hand on your waist made you startled. You look over to him but your eyes caught his eyes, it's not his original eyes but those eyes are violet. "W-who are you?" Your body started to shake in fear.

The man snicker til a light cover his form, once the light dial down it reveal a green hair man. "The name is Loki god of mischief, it's finally nice to meet you Y/n. My~ for a girl like you in your age you look beautiful."

You scoot away from him but he grab your shoulder pulling you closer to him. You try to break free from his hold but he hold you tight from escaping.

"Loki" both of you look behind see the real Buddha. He's glaring at Loki, the god of mischief notice something wrong his eyes. It's not just a normal glare but bloodlust. Loki see an aura but darkness. He shake in fear seeing his state, "Loki, let Y/n go." Buddha growl.

Loki let go of you fly away as possible not getting to Buddha rage. Buddha sigh sat down next to you grab you by the waist place you on his lap playing your hair. The soft touch of his made you fall asleep. Buddha smirk carry you bridal style taking you to his bedroom tuck you in his bed before he left to find the trickster.

Later in night, Loki head to his room to get some sleep. He's about to pass out to his slumber but a hand grab his mouth causing him muffled scream. Til his eyes land on mysterious figure and his eyes wide who it was. Buddha.

Buddha had his staff with him glaring at the mischief. "Look Loki, I don't want you touching my Y/n so for now..." He transform his staff to dagger "You'll die." Then stab Loki through his forehead and his eyes next. Buddha smirk darkly left the room heading to his palace.

He went into his bedroom see Y/n still sleeping, he sigh relief put his staff away before heading to bed. He wrap his arms around your waist bringing you close as your back touch his chest. He kiss your head whisper to you in dark tone "No one will ever touch you my sweets."

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