[My Goddess] Hades

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"When I grow up I'm going to marry you!" You chuckle at the silver hair boy. "Why you wanna marry me Hades?" "Because your beautiful and kind! Oh and I brought you something." Hades handed you a black rose.

"Wow Hades, this is beautiful." You said. Hades wrap his arms around your shoulder from behind and said "Soon you'll be my wife!" You chuckle "Alright Hades, can't wait to get marry once we get old."

You remember that past memories long time ago about you and Hades grow up together. Here you are sitting on the balcony of your castle watching the view. Til you heard the door bang of your bedroom, you told them to come in and it reveal your father, Odin.

"Hello father, what is it you need?" You ask. "There's someone you might wanna meet." You follow him behind leading you to the dining room. Once both of you made it, you saw familiar silver hair man and his back facing you both.

The man turn around and smile. You puzzle the man face til you wide in shock. "H-Hades!" He chuckle walk toward you "Hello Y/n, been long time has it." Odin left you two alone so you both can have private talk.

"It sure is, my goodness I almost didn't recognize you since we were children." You said. Hades chuckle pull something out his pocket reveal a black bracelet. "Here, take this as a gift." "Oh Hades no don't-" "No, really, take it." You put the bracelet on your wrist watching it shine.

"It's great seeing you again, your beautiful as ever  since you were a child." You blush from his compliments. Both of you walk around Asgard talking each other, the deities bow down both of you when they see you two.

"Hey, remember when I said 'When I grow up I wanna marry you.' Remember that?" You blush and said "Y-Yes I remember, I mean you sound serious when you say that-" "Then shall we get married now?" You stare at him shock.

"W-W-What?! Right now?!! But why-" Hades place his finger to your lip keeping you silent. "Relax, I'm kidding. We'll get marry in 7 weeks so we can go on a date first. Alright? Hey you okay?" He watch you blush in red and pass out. He quickly caught you in his arms. He stare at your beautiful face and whisper "Now...you shall be mine soon."

Few weeks later, you and Hades get along each other very well. Odin and his son and nephew accepted Hades request of proposing you and will promise to take care of you. Both of you go on a date before getting married. Hades brothers taking a liking of you because your kind and respectful so they have their blessing to you.

You stare yourself at the mirror seeing you in white dress. You feel nervous and happy that your getting marry to Hades. "Your highness, you look very beautiful. We're happy that your getting marry." One of the maids said. You smile at them "Thank you all. I'm so happy after years of promising we're actually getting marry."

You wipe the tears from your eyes. "Alright, I think it's time." You exit the dressing room and head to the giants doors that lead the aisle. Once double doors open you walk in see Hades on the alter in white suit. You see all your friends, your family, and Hades brothers are here, plus Zeus stand on the alter.

You stood front of Hades on the alter "You look very beautiful my love." He said with a smile. You blush "Thanks, you look handsome." Zeus clear his throat and spoke "Dear gods and goddess, today we're here to assemble the present of these lovely couple. Do you Hades take Y/n as your wife and queen for eternity?" Hades smile and said "I do."

"And do you Y/n take Hades as your husband and king?" Your lips wide into a smile and said "I do." "Now may we have the rings." One of deity handed both of you rings as the two of you put each other rings. "I present to you husband and wife!" And both of you kiss each other as the gods cheered on you both.

They didn't know a green cloak figure stare at both of you from the window. It glare at you and walk away. 'Your gonna pay Y/n for stealing my Hades. I'll make sure your life is hell.' It thought.

You and Hades transport to Helheim realm. Hades carry you rush to his bed, he throw you on the bed crawl on top of you and  kiss you passionately. "I never seen this side of you Hades." You giggle. "Well I'm just happy that I marry you." Both of you laugh and started to make out.

Few days later, you stared to vomit thinking you feeling sick. You and Hades head to the hospital for a check up. Til the doctor spoke "Congratulations your highness! Your pregnant!" Both of you happy together.

Hades make sure your safe and healthy and planning to think of a name. You see him as a doting father. When Hades not around with you because of business his pet Cerberus  keep you company.

Here you are in your share bedroom sitting on the bed brushing your hair while humming. You stop moving feeling sharp metal on your neck. "Scream and you will die." You look over see green cloak figure.

"It's been long time has it Y/n." You gulp your own saliva and said "W-who are you?" "You don't remember me? Well then..." it removed the hood reveal a goddess. You wide in shock recognize who she is.

"P-Persephone?" "Indeed, it's been long time.  I fallen in love with Hades long time ago. But you stole him! I hate you! You took him away from me! I love him first and you stole him!" She growl.

"Persephone listen I-" "Shut up! Once I'll kill you and your child Hades will feel lost and he will fell love with me and marry me to become his wife and queen! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" She cackle.

"Stop it! Please stop-" "SHUT UP!!!" Persephone about to slice your neck but her wrist was caught. She turn around and her skin turn pale who stop her from killing you. "Don't. Touch. My. Goddess!" Hades throw her to the wall and the impact made her unconscious.

He look at you with soft look and hug you with comfort "I'm here my love, I'm here." He whisper in comfort tone. He look back at Persephone unconscious form. He let go of you and grab chunk of Persephone hair dragging her out the bedroom "Where are you taking her?" You ask.

"Don't worry love, I'm just taking her somewhere far away. Get some rest, I'll be with you a moment." He left the room as the double doors shut behind him.

Hades throw Persephone in the dungeon as he shut the gate close. Persephone groan get up, she look around til her eyes land on Hades. "H-Hades! Look I-" "Enough Persephone, I'm sick and tired of you that you try to make me fell in love with you since long time ago. But I already had the one who I love." Hades snarl.

"What Y/n got and I don't?!!" She growl. "Y/n is kind and caring, the most beautiful wife I ever have. And you...you disgust me." Hades snap his finger. Persephone look behind and gasp in shock see Cerberus staring at her with rage looks.

"Devour her and make sure there's nothing left of her." Hades walk away ignoring the Persephone cry til he heard the sound of crunch. 'No one shall hurt my goddess. No one.' He thought darkly before heading to his share bedroom see you sleeping peacefully.

He join in wrap his arms around you bring you closer to him. Your back touch his chest as he inhale your scent of hair and place one of his hand on your swollen belly. He lightly chuckle and said "Sleep well my love."

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