[My Wife] Odin

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Your a goddess known as goddess of Chaos. All the gods heard about you and they're scary because your powers. They see you so powerful. Why? Because you easily took down Zeus long time ago in young teen age who challenge you. Zeus is the most powerful god but he's very shock that he was taken down easily by you. Zeus is scared of you.

You live in huge castle with your parents and three siblings. Your the eldest daughter of the family. Your parents and siblings are kind and responsible but they will go to dark mode whoever mess with them. And you, your very dark and deadly but your kind from the inside when your with your family and friends.

But there this one god who's not scared of you. The all father himself, Odin. He first met you long ago when you and your family visit the Norse temple because they're having a meeting with Odin. He heard all about you from rumors that spread around heaven, but he never saw that your playing with the kids. He saw a smile appeared on your face and that soft look. He feel his heart skip a million beats watching you.

He didn't know his nephew and his son walk pass by him and walk toward you. Once he caught sight of them he's about to rush to them but he stop seeing you play with them. He watch Loki and Thor playing with you making them happy. He didn't know a small smile appeared his face.

Here you are sitting on the balcony watching the view. You heard a knock from your bedroom door, walk toward the door open it reveal your fourth and young sibling. Baton your younger brother. He smile at you and you smile back at him. "Hey sis, dinner is ready and a guest is here."He grab your hand dragging you.

Once the two of you made it to the hall you see your family members til your eyes caught a sight of familiar god. It's Odin talking to your parents. The family notice you, your mother spoke first "Y/n come and eat with us." She smile. You join in and so is Baton sitting next to you.

You begin to eat your dinner til your mother spoke to you that made you shock "Y/n, Odin ask us that he want your hand of marriage." You almost choke your food trying to calm yourself. You look at Odin and back at your parents. "Hold on that guy want to marry our sister?!" Your oldest brother Kothys said.

"Indeed son, he told us-" "Wait father I don't know about this, I know I'm the eldest daughter here but why right now?" You ask. Your father sigh and said "Because it's time you must find a lover, long time ago when your a teenager you reject and denied all the gods who want to date with you. So it's time that you need a lover." You look at Odin, back your parents and your siblings giving you worry eyes.

You sigh stood up from the chair "Just... give me some time to think." And walk away heading to your room. Your siblings lost their appetite follow you. You flop on your bed groan in rage. "Sis, are you there." Your heard your siblings behind your door. Your said 'Come in' as they came in sitting down next to you.

"Sis how are you feeling?" Your second oldest sibling Aulla worry. She rub your back trying to soothe you. You flip over lay on your back "I don't know guys, long time ago when I was a teenager I rejected all gods who ask me on a date because I don't feel love." You sigh.

"Well we know Odin is a cold heart god. The all father himself. Why not try to get to know him." Kothys said. You think for a moment and said "Alright... but if we don't get along well I'll just be myself alone." All of you head downstairs to the hall meeting your parents and Odin still there.

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