Are They Dating?

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Charlie knew that things were bound to change once Julie and the Phantoms came out on Netflix. Many were expected such as a flood of followers, people searching up his previous roles, lots of interviews and speculation on the show. Something that he did not expect was people's interest in his personal life. Well not his personal life as a whole, just his romantic life.

He became acutely aware of this phenomenon thanks to his sister Meghan. But again it wasn't in the usual way. Oh no. He learned of this in the most mortifying way possible. If he could scrub it from his mind, he would.

Meghan was staring at her phone in a mixture of horror and grotesque curiosity. He walked up to her sitting in the living room. "Hey Meggie. Whatcha lookin' at," he asked the twenty year old dancer.

Meghan pulled her eyes away from her phone to glare at him. "Don't call me that."

Charlie smirked at the girl who was practically his twin. "But it's cute."

Meghan smirked back at him. "Alright. If that's how you want it, Chuck."

Charlie's face twisted up in disgust. "Yuck. Never say that again." Meghan smiled triumphantly.

"Now you know how it feels." Charlie shook his head and looked over at her phone.

"Anyway, what had you all weird on your phone." Meghan's body went rigid and her face read pure fear. "Meghan? What is it, ma soeur?"

Meghan shoved her phone into his face. "Read for yourself, mon frère." Charlie looked to see that Meghan was looking at Instagram comments on something that she posted. His eyebrows disappeared into his hairline as he saw what had freaked her out.

"You can't be serious," he yelled out.

Meghan had disgust all over her face. "They think I'm your girlfriend! How!? We look so alike!"

Charlie shook his head as he tried to wipe the words that he just read from his mind. "No. No! NO! UGH!!!!" He shivered at the very thought. Yeah, incest wasn't on his list of interests.

Later that day he was retelling the horrible discovery to Madison but he wasn't getting the support he expected. "Mads," he whined. "It's not funny! They really thought I was dating my sister!"

Madison's face was slightly red from her laughter and her eyes danced with mirth. It would be cute if it wasn't at his expense. "Of course it is. As soon as those fan girls saw you in multiple photos with the same girl, they were bound to assume that. You walked right into that one."

Charlie pouted and made sure to make his eyes big and pitiful just to make it clear he was upset. "You wouldn't say that if strangers assumed you were dating your sibling!"

Madison shook her head, not falling for his pouting. "Put the eyes away, you oversized puppy. Get your guitar already so we can start this lesson." Charlie frowned but did as she said.

The next sort of incident involving a possible girlfriend happened with his co star Tori Caro. The two were good friends and got along well. They had been hanging out with some of his other friends. He actually didn't experience the situation firsthand. He learned about it from Tori through an Instagram live she did with their costume designer, Soyon.

He watched her address comments that some fans made that were shipping the two of them or wondering if they were dating. He was just a little taken aback by how she snapped back about it. Charlie understood her frustration for sure but he sort of felt like she was annoyed with him and not just the fans. He was sensitive about being liked, okay!

Charlie made sure to call Tori about the matter. "Hey Tor, sorry for all the comments you've been getting. I know it has been ridiculous."

Tori sighed over the line. "It's okay. It's not your fault you're hot," she said with a laugh at the end. "Also I know I seemed a little defensive about it, but I just want some modicum of control. Nothing against you, I promise."

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