Seeing Sunset

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Charlie was nervous and excited at the same time. He didn't know how to keep from jiggling his leg as he picked up his brand new puppy. "Come on, little one. You get to meet someone very special. The pure black puppy wiggled in his arms before he wrapped his arm tighter to hold the puppy against his chest. The puppy snuggled against his chest and relaxed. He looked down at the small creature with so much love. He was so happy to have a puppy of his own. He just loves dogs!

With the puppy settled, he grabbed his iPad and set it up so he could FaceTime. A few taps to the screen and the FaceTime video was calling his favorite person. A few seconds went by before Madison appeared. Her hair looked gorgeous all short and with a little swoop at the end in its straightened form. She lit up, her eyes bright and her smile blinding. "Oh my God! The puppy is even cuter than in the photos you sent me," she squealed. Charlie smiled to himself seeing how excited she was. "What is the puppy's name?"

Charlie looked down as the puppy turned his little head to look at her. "I was thinking about the name, Chocolate."

Madison shook her head causing some of her bangs to fall into her big doe brown eyes. "No way. He is too dark for that kind of name. And before you even say it, no! He is not going to be Dark Chocolate," Madison snapped with her finger pointed at him like he was a misbehaving child.

Charlie sighed. "Well what about Brownie?"

Madison rolled her eyes. "No. Stop with the food names. It is weird. How about...Sunset? Like Sunset Curve, you know."

Charlie's lips pulled up into a smile. "What do you think little guy? Do you like Sunset?" The puppy wagged his tail and yapped.

Madison's eyes got all soft and she stuck her bottom lip out. "Awww! He's so cute!"

"Well I guess Mommy had the right idea. Your name is Sunset."

Madison arched one of her brows. "Mommy?"

Charlie felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. The same as if he was taking the first drop on a huge rollercoaster. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh...well I figured since Ric doesn't want one in the house and we are so good together that uh...we could share a baby together. P-p-puppy. Not baby. Th-that would be weird." He smiled at her, hoping she couldn't see his lips twitching. He didn't mean to say that. Madison would no doubt make a great parent to a baby but this was definitely not that.

Madison stared in shock. "You...want to share your dog with me?"

That little smile came to Charlie. "Our dog."

Madison's eyes fell half lidded and her eyes growing darker at the same time. "Really? So it's Sunset Reyes-Gillespie then?"

Charlie heard her. But all he could focus on was the way her eyes looked. Do-me eyes. Charlie internally screamed. No! Bad Charlie! Bad Charlie! He shouldn't be thinking that way. Madison was his friend. Who was out of his league and surely not interested in him. Then there was that whole age thing.

"Charlie did you zone out again," Madison asked, slapping her hands together. Charlie jumped in his chair causing the newly named Sunset to whine.

"S-sorry Mads. Uh yeah. It's Sunset Reyes-Gillespie."

Madison focused her eyes on Sunset who was staring at her again. "I can't wait to be with you in person."

Charlie smiled at seeing the two interacting. "I can't wait either. I'll make sure Sunset adores his Mommy." He kisses the small dog's head who tried to lick his nose in return.

"You're killing me! I just want to snuggle with him and you."

Charlie smiled sadly. "We will soon. I know it."

It was a few weeks later and Charlie was trying to keep himself from jumping up and down like a rabbit. He had Sunset in his arms and the puppy would not appreciate being jostled by his daddy. "B step over. I don't have a clear view," Owen said, sitting atop the half Asian shoulders. Booboo sighed and did as the blond said.

"Shouldn't this be the other way around. Since you are taller than me," Booboo tried to reason.

Owen kept his eyes peeled for Madison with the binoculars. "You're stronger than I am," Owen replied nonchalantly. "I see them! Madison is coming in hot. 30 degrees to your left," he reported down to Charlie.

Charlie turned his eyes in the direction that Owen indicated and tried to see through the crowd for that glorious brown skin and head of curls. He spotted the customized Yankees cap that Ricardo liked to wear. "They are only a few meters away! Sunset we need to get you in your onesie. Jer, help!"

Jeremy pulled the dog onesie out of Charlie's backpack and helped slip it on to the confused black furred puppy. "Hurry," Carolynn hissed. "I can see Madison and Ric from here."

Charlie and Jeremy hurried to fasten the onesie. "I'm sorry Sunset. We just have to make sure you are all ready for Mommy." Jeremy put the little bucket hat on top of Sunset's head to finish the look. It was then Charlie saw Madison only a few feet in front of him. "Mads...".

"Gimme," Madison squealed excitedly, reaching out for Sunset. "Awww. You dressed him up for me." Sunset wore a lavender onesie with MAMA'S BOY written on it in white. And he had on a white bucket hat with a little frog face on the front. Madison looked up at Charlie, her eyes full of unshed tears. She held Sunset to her. "This is so sweet, I love it."

Charlie smiled at Sunset licking Madison's face excitedly. "We wanted to surprise you. There's more to come."

"Thank you, Charlie." She stood up on her tip toes and gave him a kiss. It turned out that Charlie had been wrong before and that, for whatever reason, Madison was just as interested in him as he was her.

"Uh, can someone help me get down," Owen asked, a little nervous as he wobbled a little on Booboo's shoulders. Madison and Charlie pulled out of their kiss and rolled their eyes. They sighed in unison and went to help the two men disconnect.

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