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Charlie felt special being the only cast member to be seeing Madison. He knew that probably wasn't the best line of thinking but he couldn't help himself. She just did something to him. And he wanted her to know how much he missed her, too. So he may or may not have gone overboard in getting her a few things from Chicago before he left. There was some stuff from a store in the Puerto Rican neighborhood of Humboldt Park. Some other stuff to represent the Windy City. And he splurged a little and got Madison some designer sunglasses. He, of course, made sure to get her brownies and a bouquet of daisies. It was only right after all.

He was greeted warmly at the door by Mrs. Reyes, who kissed his cheeks like he was her own son and gave him a tight hug, and Mr. Reyes who punched his shoulder fondly. "Finally came for my daughter I see." Koa barked to announce himself to the new humans.

Charlie chuckled. "I know I am one year, five months, three weeks, and three days late to see her. I should have come sooner. But I brought her a child."

Madison's father shook his head at the fact he kept track of how long the two of them had been apart and trying to butter him up with Koa. The pandemic had Charlie stuck just scratching off the days as they went. "Charlie," Megan said, coming to hug him.

Of course, Madison was there to push them away from Charlie. "Out of the way. He's here to see me." Once she was in front of him, his heart danced. She was even more beautiful than the photos and videos. Her smile and her eyes. Oh her eyes. Her perfect eyes. "Charlie...". She seemed to be taking him in just as much as he was her. She threw herself into his arms and he pulled her off her feet. He loved how much shorter she was than him. Koa circled them and barked up a storm as if he was cheering, his curly ears flapping about.

After their reunion, Charlie was brought into the Reyes home with open arms. Mrs. Reyes wasted no time in feeding him and giving Koa tons of toys to play with. He tried to deny the many toys for the pup but the middle aged woman insisted. Megan already adored the puppy and was putting in her budding acting talent to break her father. All the while, Madison was at his side and he couldn't be happier about it.

He finished off the fall off the bones ribs that Mrs. Reyes gave him and he was shoving the yellow rice in his mouth. The olives, capers, and corn gave lots of flavor to it. "You are such a messy eater. Koa makes less than a mess than you," Madison said as she sat next to him. She gestured to Koa eating by the table with her lips. He was much neater than his daddy.

"He gets that from you," Charlie answered simply and popped an olive in his mouth. The briny flavor burst in his mouth when he bit into the fruit.

Madison shook her head. "I am getting you some napkins. Like a little kid, I swear." Charlie watched her walk into the kitchen, admiring her.

Once the other Reyes family members knew that Charlie was there, he was immediately assaulted with even more love. Grandma Reyes thought he was a sweetheart and had decided to call him Carlito. He had no problem with it. Especially when she was such a cute old lady. "You are nice and healthy. Not like all those skinny boys around here. I am going to make you some cookies. Must have been so deprived working on that movie," the 78 year old said, patting his stomach.

Charlie smiled at the woman who somehow birthed four tall people including the father to his favorite person. "You don't need to do that Abuela. I appreciate it, though."

Grandma Reyes shook her head. "Nonsense. I'll have Madison help me. Oh you are such a good boy. You'll take good care of my niña." She pinched his cheek as grandmothers tend to do.

Charlie felt all warm inside being fawned over. "Of course. I will do anything for her."

Grandma Reyes smiled at him. "That's what I like to hear. You are so good, Carlito." She patted his cheek and walked off.

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