I Know That We Are Young Part 2

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Madison felt like everything was going so well. Besides having to cancel the Bestie Tour in LA, she was excited about the next month. She was finalizing everything for her EP and it would be released really soon. And Charlie was working on something in Vancouver and staying with Amy. Just thinking about him gave her butterflies. Considering she was finishing her EP, it made sense that he was on her mind more. He was the source of the songs.

She looked at their texts from the other day. They were talking about a show that was coming out that they were both excited for. It was a pretty standard conversation between them. Them just talking about any and everything. But for other things, Madison and Charlie used their snapchats so they couldn't be traced. The last one he sent on there was him and Koa both dripping wet from the beach. She had to keep herself from screenshotting that to save to her camera roll. Charlie being wet or sweaty did something for her. Not to mention her baby boy with his fur hanging off of him in wavy curls.

"Oh god. You are doing it again. You can make eyes at stuff from Charlie later. Your cousin wants to know if you have any last minute changes to any of the designs for the EP," Ricardo said, startling Madison.

Madison glared at her father and held her phone to her chest. "Dad! Privacy! And I'll be there in a minute."

Ricardo rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. You are a young woman and don't want me being nosy. I know. Hurry up before I make the final decisions."

Madison gasped. "You better not! I'm coming right now." Madison quickly sent a text saying she missed Charlie and then rushed to stop her father from being annoying.

Being on Twitter was scary. She had posted things before on the app but this was her real attempt to use it. She needed to drum up interest and people to want to follow her and listen to her EP. She was just getting a hang of things. She was posting about the EP as a way to promote. Everything was going well so far.

The way the Fantoms were making memes of her...they were savage as hell. And she loved it. They really enjoyed messing with her and the boys. She knew they only did it out of love of course. And then there were so many people who were curious about the EP as she tweeted things. It was nice being able to respond more easily on Twitter than on Instagram. Although she had SIGNIFICANTLY less followers on the bird app. But it was nice. It was a private little club almost. She shook her head and rolled her eyes at someone wanting to know if Charlie would be on the EP. As much as she loved the dork, she didn't let him put his voice on any of the tracks.

She responded that it wasn't true about Charlie being on the EP. She looked and saw more comments under the original. One of them caught her eye. She narrowed her eyes at the words on her phone screen. It had to be her dyslexia messing with her. There was no way she was reading that right. She exited the app to go to her Instagram. The fan was obviously mistaken. She went to her follower list to see the account she was looking for. Her stomach dropped that she didn't see the profile photo of the Canadian guitarist among the followers at the top. There had to be something wrong with her phone. That had to be it.

After exiting and swiping up on the Instagram, deleting and reloading the app, and turning her phone off and on, it was still showing the same thing. And that was what it wasn't showing. There had to be a glitch somewhere. It happened from time to time. She needed to know the truth straight from the source.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?!?!? YOU UNFOLLOWED ME!? EXPLAIN. NOW," she roared over FaceTime as soon as Charlie picked up. He had not responded to her texts and she was not waiting or playing games. She wanted answers. As the two went back and forth, her heart just hurt more. He didn't trust her enough to talk to her about what he was feeling. He just did things and didn't think of the consequences. People were asking her all these questions and she didn't know what to say or think. In the end, Charlie was determined to dig his feet in. So she would give him what he wanted. "I have guy friends. So scandalous. I am not questioning you with all the girls you are friends with. And you're right. Maybe this is better. Talk to me when you grow up. Bye, Charlie."

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