A "Brave" New Adventure

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Madison organized everything in front of her. She had just come from the store. "Okay, I think I have everything. I have food, toys, and clothes. Should I have tried to find coordinating harnesses and leashes, too?" Madison tapped her chin as she looked over her purchases.

"Stop overthinking it. Also Ad is ready to go outside. Pup has been nipping at my ankles for the past five minutes," her father said, coming into the kitchen.

The pup in question bounded into the kitchen and stopped at her feet. The small dog was always ready to play and liked to explore. Which was very fitting since her name was Adventure. The dog had pointy ears that would flop over, tan over the face with white going down the middle of the forehead and to the nose. Her little black nose was even shaped like a heart. Madison thought she was the cutest thing. Madison crouched down to the puppy. "Are you excited Ad?" Adventure yapped excitedly and tippy tapped her feet. "Now I am going to need to put the harness on you, okay?" Adventure sat down dutifully. "That's a good girl."

Madison's father huffed. "She's listens to you. She had me running around your mother's and I's room cause she thought it was playtime."

Madison put on Adventure's light purple harness. "That's because you are afraid to be stern with her." Madison tightened the harness just right. "Okay, there we go. We'll clip the leash on and away we go."

Ricardo rolled his eyes. "She's just stubborn like her mommy. I'll drag your sister out of bed and we'll get ready for the park. And you have time for your...thing."

Madison shook her head as she grabbed her purse. "Whatever you say, Dad."

Madison walked out to the backyard with Adventure who sniffed the air. "Excited to be outside, I bet." Madison heard her phone ding with a notification. She pulled it out to see what it was. There was a text. "It looks like the rest of the family is coming." A few minutes later, Madison felt her heart soar.

Charlie and Koa were walking towards her and Adventure. "Koa, look who it is," Charlie said excitedly. "It's your mommy and new sister." Koa took off and pounced on Adventure. "Koa," Charlie groaned.

Madison laughed as the two pups rolled around and yapped at each other. Koa licked Adventure's face with his tail faster than a motor. "He's so happy to meet her." Adventure pawed at Koa's face and he pretended to bite it. "Awww! They already love each other."

Charlie smiled down at the two puppies. "Yeah. I made sure Koa knew what she looked like and that he had to be good to his little sister."

Madison looked back to him, feeling her body and mind at peace with him there after so long. "You got that chicken hair going on."

Charlie blushed and ran his hand through his recently cut hair. "Uh yeah...do you like it? I still expect my hair in my face half the time."

Madison fixed his hair. She could feel him holding his breath. It made her heart happy knowing that he was being so cute. "It's cute. It's like when I met you."

Charlie breathed out. She could feel it brush over her wrist as she enjoyed playing with his hair. "It's not too short?"

Madison shook her head. "No. It's good. As long as I can grasp a handful, it's long enough." She ran her fingers down from his hair and along his hairline down to his ear and finally cupped his face. "Hi," she said almost shyly.

"Hi," Charlie giggled back with a small smile and shining eyes of some mix between green and gold.

The two of them stood there and Madison could feel them getting closer as if pulled together by magnets. Madison could practically feel his nose touching hers. "Alright, let's get going," Ricardo said, coming out of the house with his wife and Megan. Madison and Charlie pulled away from each other and looked to the three that had interrupted them. "Hey, I gave you like fifteen minutes. Not my fault you're slow," Ricardo said nonchalantly as he carried the picnic basket.

Koa and Adventure ran over to Megan. "TWO PUPPIES! Oh he's so cute! And he looks so much like you Madison." Koa and Adventure jumped around and licked at Megan's face as she crouched down to be closer to them.

"Come on, Megan. Get them to follow you to the car," Ricardo said.

Madison glared at her father as he walked by her and Charlie. Charlie shook his head as he grabbed Madison's hand to follow behind Ricardo. "Hello, Mrs. Reyes," he greeted the woman who was in step with Madison and him.

Maggie smiled at Charlie. "It's good to see you, sweetie. Glad you could come down. How long are you staying?"

Charlie smiled charmingly at Maggie as if she didn't already adore him. "I don't think I can say forever," he replied.

Maggie laughed. Madison pouted. "Don't say that. You can't leave," she said with her eyes looking at him sadly.

Charlie's eyes softened at her sad face. "I have to return to LA eventually. I have an apartment I pay for."

Madison grumbled. "Then Adventure and I are coming, too."

Ricardo scoffed as he opened the door to the garage. "Not on your life. Like I'd let you shack up with him. I am not that crazy."

Madison rolled her eyes as she opened the car to the back seat so she, Charlie, Megan, and the pups could get in. "What do you mean "not that crazy"?" Ricardo passed her the picnic basket. The puppies were running around in the small space and Charlie was trying to control the two.

"Koa, Adventure, arrêtez," he ordered.

"Adventure doesn't know French, babe," Madison said and then focused back on her father. "Well? What do you mean?"

Ricardo sat in the driver's seat and got things ready to pull out. "I let you go to LA to audition and for you two to act together. I am not blind. I saw the connection between you from day 1."

Madison response was silenced by Charlie crashing between the seats. "Mads, babe, help. They are two timing me." Adventure and Koa were climbing all over him and he looked extremely uncomfortable squished between the seats.

Megan picked up the squirming Adventure. "Ad, stop attacking your dad."

Madison snapped her fingers. "Koa, couches," Madison ordered like she heard Charlie do. Koa immediately jumped onto her lap and laid down and looked up at her for her next command.

"Are you okay, Charlie," Maggie asked looking back at the the man who was shifting his way out of the spot between the seats.

"Y-yeah. Just going to have a sore back is all. No need to worry." Charlie dropped into the seat next to Madison and gently leaned back, wincing.

Maggie looked at him skeptically. "I am checking later when we get to the park." It was the nurse in her wanting to make sure Charlie wasn't lying.

"Oui, madame," Charlie replied respectfully. "Mads, your French was really good. Have you been practicing?"

Madison shrugged. "Just said it the way I remembered that you do." Charlie's eyes were alight with pride and adoration.

"Okay, is everyone buckled up," Ricardo asked as he pressed the remote to open the garage door to the street. This pulled Madison away from staring at Charlie.

"Yes," everyone replied.

"Alright. Here we go." Ricardo pulled out onto the street. Madison patted Koa's head as she thought over what her father said. She was definitely going to get him to spill about what he meant before Charlie was tackled by the pups. Her eyes wandered to the man in question who was giving kisses to Adventure who looked positively delighted in the attention. Madison just let herself take in the moment. Her doggy mini me was in her lap. Her girl had met her dad. And Charlie was with her and her family. Yeah...she liked this.

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