What Happens at the Party....

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Madison's body was on autopilot but her mind was a storm of thoughts. All the thoughts were about Charlie. She, Jadah, and the others were setting up for the The Besties Tour party at the Riley Youth Club. But she couldn't stop wondering if Charlie would be there. It was ridiculous for her to be obsessing so much. This event was for her and Jadah. It was their thing.

It was just....she wanted Charlie to see her shine. She wanted to have that moment in person with him. It wasn't like they hadn't seen each other since she had gotten to LA. They all went to Disneyland and he had taken her on the Ferris wheel at Pixar Pier. And they had been texting constantly too but...

"Girl, are you okay? You have been standing there and holding those streamers for like five minutes," Jadah said, snapping her fingers in Madison's face.

Madison shook her head, feeling like she was coming out of a fog. "What?"

Jadah sighed and put down the serving bowl in her hand. "Seriously what is up with you. You have barely said anything since we have been organizing and you are zoning out."

Madison looked down guiltily and played with the string of the streamers. "It's uh....Charlie," she mumbled catching Jadah's eyes briefly before looking down again at her fingers twisting the strings around.

Jadah rolled her eyes. "Of course it is. What is it about Charlie that is taking up your mind?"

Madison stared harder at the knotted mess in her hands. "I really want him to show up today. But I don't want to bring it up and force him. You know. For him to come only to make me happy. I know I am being foolish and juvenile. We haven't seen each other in over 4 months. We live a on two different ends of the same country. I am just becoming an adult. And besides he's probably with that blonde girl. She posts him quite a bit."

Jadah clapped her hands in front of Madison's face making her jump at the surprise. "Nuh uh girl. We are not acting like Olivia Rodrigo. First off, you are way more mature than you give yourself credit for. You are a great big sister to me. Two, you are going to be moving here soon so you won't be separated for long. And you may becoming a legal adult now but you have been making adult decision since you were 14. Auditioning all on your own. And that girl has nothing on you. You are amazing, Madison. Don't doubt yourself. And maybe Charlie will show, maybe he won't. That doesn't mean he doesn't care. You know he does."

Madison narrowed her eyes at Jadah. "When did you get so smart?"

Jadah flipped her curls behind her shoulder and stuck her tongue out. "You know, all that schoolwork."

Madison laughed. "You actually listened and are taking school seriously."

Jadah scoffed as she picked up the serving bowl. "I always take school seriously, thank you very much."

Madison walked over to her dad who was standing near the door where the fans would be coming in through. "You ready for all the besties?"

Ricardo looked up at her as if he was just noticing his daughter was there. "Yeah, I'm ready." He looked back at his phone. Madison had finally gotten him to switch and had him get the latest iPhone.

"Waiting on something?"

Ricardo kept scrolling. "Yeah. I am waiting on a text from someone. It is just cutting it close."

Madison's brows furrowed as she tried to understand what her dad was talking about. "Uh...right. Well Jadah and I are going to be at the table for the meet and greet."

Madison walked away, completely lost on what was so important about some text. She sat down next to Jadah and organized the autograph cards in front of her. "How's Ric doing? Ready to be swamped by the lines?"

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