Entiendo, Baby Understand

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Everyone was back together and had started filming season 2. Currently Madison and Charlie were filming their first scene together. They had done separate filming and now they were together as Julie and Luke. Madison was looking at Charlie as if she was in disbelief he was real.

"It feels like a dream. Knowing that I can finally touch you guys...that I can hold your hand now...". Madison reached out her hand hesitantly to Charlie. Charlie looked into her eyes and followed her lead and reached forward. Their fingertips touched. The two jumped apart to signify that a visible jolt appeared. It would be added in editing. Madison looked up at him, trying to see if he understood what it meant. "What was that?"

Charlie looked at her, his brows furrowed. "I don't know. Did it hurt you?" Madison shook her head no. "O-okay."

Madison pushed her hair behind her ear and looked down at her feet. "Maybe it is like when you guys glowed."

Charlie tried to catch her eyes. "Yeah...maybe. Julie...". Madison turned her eyes away from his and sat down on the couch of the studio. "I feel it, too. That pull. That's what you are thinking about, isn't it?"

Madison looked up at him with a small smile. "It is like you know me better than I do myself. I was." She looked away from him again. "I have been thinking...Maybe you were meant to be here. There was a reason you met my mom and then...".

Charlie quirked up one side of his mouth. "So you are saying I was supposed to die that night," he half joked as he sat down next to her on the couch. "I can't be sure. All I know is that now that I have you in my life...or uh death that I would never take it back. I feel more connected to you than I have with anyone else."

Madison was looking at Charlie trying to take in the intensity in his eyes. He scooted closer to her and his hand touched hers. It was warm and big on top of hers. It was a secure feeling. But instead of stopping like the script said, he scooted over until their thighs brushed against each other. He was still holding her hand, slowly rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand. Tingles went up her hand at the touch and Madison was unsure why it made her breath hitch. Charlie looked at her with that same intensity, his eyes a dizzying swirl of greens, blues, golds, and grays. She felt like she was being sucked in.

"Luke...," she remembered to whisper out. She almost said Charlie. His pupils were blown out and she bit her lip as he leaned forward.

"Julie...," Charlie replied in a whisper as well. Madison was trying really hard to remember what the script called for. All she wanted to do was try to figure out what color Charlie's eyes wanted to settle on for the moment.

Charlie was only a mere centimeters away. If he moved just a sliver, their noses would brush. Madison's heart was hammering in her chest as Charlie's eyes were more alive than ever before her. They had not been this close since they danced Perfect Harmony over two years before. That thought caused Madison's stomach to sink. It really had been that long since she had been a hair's breath away from Charlie.

Madison didn't know when he had let go of her hand but she felt him squeeze her waist as he got even more in her space. He tucked his head into the crook of her neck and nuzzled her neck as he sniffed her hair. Madison had her hands on his shoulders and her hold tightened on the cut off band tee. Charlie's scent surrounded her. It was a mixture of trees, guitar polish, some sort of herb, and if sunshine had a smell, that too. She hoped Charlie couldn't feel the way her heart was beating. It was pounding so loud, she was sure she was vibrating from it. "You are something special, Julie Molina."

It was a line in the script. But for whatever reason it hit her in a way she didn't expect. She started to tear up. Kenny called cut. Madison stood up from the couch, her legs feeling disconnected from the rest of her body. She moved on autopilot all the way to her trailer. She shut herself in and dropped down on the bed inside the trailer. Charlie never acted like that. The way he kept looking at her...and the way he held her and just his presence...she pulled one of her squishmallows to her and squeezed it to her chest.

The way she felt...it was different from when they first acted together in season 1. She couldn't really put it into words. It was like this...longing....yet relief. There were just so many feelings all wrapped together. She remembered the instant connection that she had with Charlie. They got along so easily and he was such a gentleman that her dad trusted him to not do anything.

During the time they got to know each other from the auditions, through bootcamp, and then filming...she knew she had developed a soft spot for him. He was in a different category than the others in her mind. They had stayed close after filming but then the pandemic happened. Leading up to the day the show dropped on Netflix, they had kept in touch faithfully. But then the months dragged on without a renewal announcement. The need to stay connected was greater than before, especially because she was the only one of the cast and crew Charlie hadn't seen in person since the pandemic began.

She was physically shaking as it all hit her. They had been ecstatic to see each other again after more than a year and a half away from each other. After their initial reunion it was all just a whirlwind. It was like her mind had blocked everything out that she had been holding in for so long. When Charlie had went off script back on set...the lock was opened.

A gentle but firm knock at her trailer door pulled her back from the dive inside her heart and mind. The trailer door creaked open and Charlie popped his head in. "Hey Mads...c-can I come in?"

Madison could tell he was on edge. Funny. So was she but entirely in a different direction than him. She nodded and he stepped up the stairs and closed the door behind him for some privacy. He ran his fingers through his hand nervously before taking a breath. "I am so sorry for what I did back there. I obviously freaked you out. I shouldn't have done that. It was totally inappropriate. I crossed boundaries that I know I shouldn't have. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Just being with you again made me act without thinking. I get why you freaked and rushed off. If you don't feel comfortable around me anymore, I totally understand. I'll talk to Kenny to figure something out and-".

Madison couldn't deal with his rambling anymore and ran into his arms. He stumbled back but wrapped his arms around her. Her body was no longer shaking and her heart calmed as she tucked her head into his neck. "I missed you," she croaked out.

"Mads," he breathed out in shock.

"I wasn't freaked out by what happened. I was overwhelmed with my emotions. Being so close to you again...I realized the feelings from season 1 weren't a fluke. Being away from you so long, I didn't know how I was going to feel being around you in person. I know now. Everything is stronger than before. I feel that pull." Tears streamed down her face and soaked the edge of his shirt and the side of his neck.

Charlie rubbed circles on her back. "It's okay. I know exactly what you mean. I thought that my attachment to you was because of the show and what the show did for me. It took a while but I....I know that the show was a way to bring me to you. My body did what my heart wanted and not my brain. I just....want to be close to you."

Madison sniffled. "I don't want you to ever leave."

Charlie held her tighter. "I will never leave you again."

Madison pulled away, the last of her tears falling down. "Talk about an emotional first day back together."

Charlie chuckled. "I guess so." The two stared at each other, letting it all sink in. Charlie's eyes weren't as intense as before but Madison knew what it meant now. And she and him could figure it out as they went.

The trailer door opened again and Owen walked in. "Can you take Koa back now? I have a scene to film." Owen stood there, glaring at them. "Ew. You guys are giving each other googley eyes." Koa barked in Owen's arms and licked the blond's face. "Ugh. This is my life."

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