That Aunt and Uncle

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"CJ, vamanos! Everyone is going to start coming soon," his mom said, popping her head in the room door.

The woman in her early 30s was still in her cooking apron and her curly dark hair in a haphazard bun. CJ arched his brow, very reminiscent of his abuelo. "What about you? You look like a kitchen wench."

His mom narrowed her eyes a little at him. "Get ready. And no more reading Shakespeare for you. You're 8," his mom said as she hurried away to get back to her station in the kitchen. CJ could smell the food cooking from upstairs. He sighed as he looked at what to wear. He really did need to get dressed and downstairs. He had friends coming over for dinner. Their parents were on location working on a film and had been left with the nanny. Not to mention his mom's sister and her husband and their three kids. And the rest of the family too.

CJ almost dropped his sweater as he realized his friends had never met his títí and tío. He had mentioned them of course. How could he not? His títí and tío were amazing actors and musicians. His títí had Emmys, Grammys, and a Tony among other awards. The same for his tío. But his friends didn't really know how they were. His mom's sister and her husband were not what one would expect. And from the outside looking in, one would not expect them to work together. He hoped it went well.

CJ welcomed his friends, the Rodriguez siblings, Nicki and Jaime. "Hey, welcome to the Velasquez family Christmas party," CJ proclaimed.

"It's not going to be a party until your tío and abuelo get here," his dad said, coming to take Nicki and Jaime's things for them.

"Elvis, don't jinx it," his mom warned. "Come in. You can relax, Mariana," his mom said to the Rodriguez's nanny. Mariana smiled and walked towards the den of the large house.

CJ's dad shrugged. "I thought it was pretty funny."

Nicki and Jaime looked to CJ for an explanation. "Uh....Christmas decorating accident..." He wasn't sure if they believed him or not.

His mom rolled her eyes. "Thinks because he played Tarzan that he can swing from my roof."

His dad snickered. "I mean your dad did get him down."

Nicki arched her brow. "Christmas decorating accident?"

CJ sighed. "It's a long story." But it always was when his tío was involved.

The Velazquez home was filling with family from both sides. CJ's maternal grandparents had gotten there along with his mom's first cousins on that side and their kids. He could also see his dad's younger sister getting herself all prepped with make up. "My namesake," he heard.

CJ jumped up and rushed to hug his tío. "Bonjour oncle! Joyeux Noel." He was wrapped in the man's arms and picked up into a bear hug.

"Babe, put him down," CJ's títí said, coming up carrying their youngest, Ollie.

His tío loosened his hold on him letting him land back on his feet. His tío looked like he always did with shaggy light brown hair that got a little more blond at the end, a band shirt, up cycled jeans, his mismatching socks, and a pair of hiking boots. At least this time he had on pants.

The 40 year old man was in contrast to his wife that looked like she stepped off a runway wearing a green cashmere dress that clung to her body that was complimented with gold jewelry and her curls pinned back with snowflake barrettes.

CJ looked to his friends who were staring between his tío and títí. "Guys, meet my Títí Madison and my Tío Charlie."

His cousin RJ had joined him in helping to get ready for the annual Kids Variety Show. "Sorry we were late. Ollie drank too much water so we had to stop so Mama could take him to the bathroom."

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