Show Me That You Love Me

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Madison looked at the numbers on all the songs of her EP on Spotify. She had released it on her 17th birthday as she had said. It had been about a week since the release and she was anxious about how well it was actually doing. "You shouldn't be so obsessed with that. Besides with all the boys posting about it on social media, you know a lot of people checked it out," her father, Ricardo, said coming into the hotel room. They were in LA and doing band rehearsals for the second season that was set to start filming in Vancouver in a couple weeks.

"I know. But this is my first solo stuff," Madison rebutted as she read comments about her EP from the iTunes store.

Ricardo shut her Macbook. "Don't worry about it. People are listening and loving it. After Charlie posted that live of himself lip syncing the EP, while in the shower, I think more than enough people checked the EP out." Madison groaned and rolled her eyes thinking back to seeing the live the morning of her birthday. Charlie was lucky that he didn't accidentally show himself below the waist.

It did not help matters when she commented on the live to tell him to put trunks on or else. Fans went wild with that one. The responses ranged from saying she was a disgusted younger sister at seeing Charlie naked and a pissed crush who didn't want anyone else seeing Charlie naked. She just didn't like the idea of him exposing himself and getting banned from Instagram as well as getting reprimanded by Kenny or Netflix. Charlie liked being wild and free. He was a regular old Tarzan. There was nothing she could do about that.

"Madison, you are zoning out again," her father said to her, snapping his fingers in her face. She blinked a couple times and remembered she was in the hotel room with him. She shook her head to focus back on what was going on.

"Lo siento, Papi. We were talking about the EP."

Ricardo's lips twisted into ones of disappointment. "Yes, we were. You said you wanted to do a music video for one of the songs the other day. Do you know which one?"

"Right. Uh...I was thinking the Spanish song. I figured it would get a lot of traction since it is in Spanish. I'd get fans from Latin America which is a huge market."

Ricardo nodded as he looked on his phone. "That makes sense, kid. Don't you need a boy to play in the music video as the "one"? It won't hit as hard with just an image of someone."

Madison bit her lip. She hated to admit that her father was right about that. The song was all about having the guy of your dreams. So it definitely fit to have an actual person to play opposite her. "True. But I really don't want to have some random guy in the video. It would feel weird and awkward because we won't know each other."

Ricardo shrugged, looking over at her. "Well why not one of the boys. How about Sacha?"

Madison couldn't stop herself from snorting. "Ew no. Not happening."

Ricardo sighed. "Okay. Owen then."

Madison's eyes bugged out. "NO no no no no no! Absolutely not! That's just wrong. He and I would never click."

Ricardo rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Fine. The only one left is Charlie. He's got experience being in music videos playing the love interest. You are also comfortable with each other. Now what is your reasoning to say no to that one?"

Madison temporarily froze. Her face grew hot. "I doubt he'd want to. I's us. It'd be weird," Madison blurted out. It was already hard playing love interests on the show and being best friends without things getting blurred. Him being a part of her solo music too. There had to be a separation. Otherwise she wouldn't know what to do.

Ricardo had one of his brows arched and this look in his eyes. "Uh huh. Why don't you ask him before jumping to conclusions. Especially if you want to get this music video done sometime soon."

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