A Gentleman Asks

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Madison had seen Charlie nervous but never so twitchy and particular. It was cute but odd. But that was just Charlie. Cute but odd. "Uh are you okay? You keep pacing and moving your hands around and mumbling to yourself. Do I need to call for an exorcist or something?"

Charlie stopped and looked at her as if he was just remembering that she was there. "Huh...Uh no. I-I'm good. I just want to make sure everything is perfect."

Madison raised her brow. "For....?"

Charlie blushed and started rubbing his neck. He put his head down but looked up at her with his ever changing eyes. "We both know we have something and...well I don't want to disrespect your parents especially after me telling your dad I wasn't trying to be with you a couple years ago."

Madison sighed. "So what are you trying to do exactly."

Charlie looked away and was biting his lip a little too hard. "Um...I want to do this right and ask your parents permission to go out with you. I want them to know that I respect them and their wishes. Your parents are important to you and I want a relationship with your family as well as you."

Madison had to check to make sure her heart was still beating. Charlie was the sweetest most respectful man she had ever met. There was no way she would ever find someone as good as him. He was just special like that.

She took a second to not cry at how considerate he was. "You are so Canadian," she said to break up the emotion radiating in the air. "You don't need to do that. You know my parents like you. If they didn't, they wouldn't have let me act with you or let you send me things all the time."

Charlie blushed again. "I mean I know they must like me to some degree. But it's different when you like your kid's friend and liking the person who your kid is in a relationship with. I want to show them that I am a good option for you as a romantic partner."

Madison shook her head as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "They already know that, though. The way you have always been so understanding of my boundaries and listening to me and getting to know them...they can see all the amazing qualities you have. You don't need to ask them." She tried to convey the honesty and sincerity in her eyes to him. His currently pale blue eyes were conflicted.

Charlie pouted as they rubbed noses. "Too late. I already got your mom flowers and that game your dad has been looking for for the PS5. And a reservation at this French-Asian fusion restaurant."

Madison groaned, dropping her head on his shoulder. "It would have been nice for you to mention this before. You know my dad is going to milk this and expect you to go even bigger when asking for my hand in marriage."

Charlie rubbed her back as he kissed her temple. "Yeah...didn't think of that. Still want to give them something though. I mean...they made you. And you are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

Madison whined as she wrapped her arms tighter around his waist. "Stop!" She could feel his smile as he rested his head against hers. God, what had she gotten herself into?

Madison had been expecting Charlie to come by after he settled in at the hotel he was staying in. She had offered for him to stay at the house but he wanted some separation for the first few days. Koa didn't agree with that and he was barking outside the front door, alerting her and her family that Charlie was there.

"That dog is just as impatient as his father," Ricardo mumbled as he walked to the front door. As soon as Ricardo opened the door, Koa zoomed past and tackled Adventure to the floor. The two pups immediately started rolling around and giving each other nips affectionately. Ricardo looked back at the two furry creatures. "Yup. Just like his father."

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