1. New Beginnings

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TW: minor mentions of anxiety + depression

The house looked smaller than Katie remembered, and she couldn't help but feel both nostalgic and anxious having returned to Mystic Falls. There she was; sitting in her car parked in the driveway, trying to build up courage to go inside. Knowing her mom was expecting her, she felt comforted, but she was unsure how Caroline would feel about her surprise return home.

I hope she's excited to see me...she thought as she unbuckled her seatbelt with her shaky hands.

College was...different to say the least. She had decided to go to school far away in order to get a new perspective and a fresh start. However, being so far away meant Katie hadn't returned home since the day she left. Traveling was expensive and the breaks were short anyways. Plus, for a while She was content staying where she was. She had great friends, even a boyfriend, and an enjoyable job so staying wasn't as hard as it was for her now.

Stepping out of the car, she grabbed her bags and headed for the door. Taking a deep breath, She quietly knocked and anxiously awaited her mother to answer.

Her mother rushed to door, pulled the blinds aside, and the moment she saw her daughter her entire face lit up. She quickly opened the door and engulfed me her in a hug, which she happily returned.

"Hi mom" She say shakily, as tears try to escape.

"Katie, I have missed you so so so much" her mother sighs hearing her defeated voice, "come inside, let's catch up, Caroline is out with Tyler but I know she will be thrilled to see you!" She laughed, as Katie smiled and followed her inside.

Tyler Lockwood? wow I have missed a lot. She thought to herself.

As she sat at the kitchen table and settled in, she felt more and more at ease, forgetting how much her home had been her sanctuary long ago. Her mother placed a hot cup of coffee in front of her, before fixed one for herself and joining her daughter.

"I know we talked about everything on the phone, so I won't make you rehash anything you don't want to..." she hesitates, "but right now I want to just say I am here for you, for when you want to talk, Caroline will be too. For now, I want you to just relax and get readjusted to being back home," she smiles, "especially after your trip you must be exhausted."

"Thank you mom," Katie sighed, "it's weird being home but god, did I miss it," She barely choked out, finally letting a tear roll down her cheek. With that, her mother stood up and grabbed her for another warm embrace.

"Does Caroline know? You know, about why I'm home?" Katie asks, pulling away and wiping her face.

"I did not tell her anything, I figured if I told her you were coming back questions would follow, so I did not even mention what had been going on. I figured that would be your decision when you felt ready," her mother smiled.

"Thank you, I love you," She smiles back, still teary eyed.

"I love you too," she sighs reaching and grabbing her hand for a reassuring squeeze.

"I guess I should go unpack and make myself busy," Katie rushes to say, grabbing her coffee and bags.

"Okay, you have my work number I promise you I will be back before dinner so we can all eat together, I just have a few things to take care of beforehand," she says grabbing her car keys, giving her daughter a quick kiss on the cheek, and exiting the house.

Scurrying up the stairs so she can drop the heavy bags, she stepped into her old room. The familiar cream walls, white fluffy bed with pops of yellow, pink, and orange colored pillows, blankets, and pictures. This was always her happy place. She glanced to look over at Caroline's room, which stood right across from her own. It hadn't changed much, which she found comforting.

Stepping inside, she immediately went to the window seat, and took a look outside. Being the older sibling had some perks, the beautiful reading nook being one of them.

Just as her mind started to wander to the things that occurred at school, the door opens. She stepped outside of her room and stood at the top of the stairs, seeing if her mom just forgot something, or Caroline had returned.

"Blondie!!!" A male voice yelled out.

Walking down the stairs confused, She saw a man she had never seen before. Studying him, she found him quite handsome. He had dark hair, piercing blue eyes, a sharp jawline, and muscles practically popping out of his tight black shirt. She came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs and examined him further.

"Um hi, who exactly are you referring to?" She says, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Caroline. She's not here?" He says confused.

"She's out with Tyler," she hesitates, still wary of the stranger in her house.

"oh lovely" he sighed and rolled his eyes, returning his attention to Katie, looking her up and down.

"Who are you?" He says, and she immediately return his question.

"I'd like to know who you are first, considering you just barged in here," She snips back, crossing her arms.

He seemed mysterious, maybe suspicious? She wondered.

"Damon" he plainly states, as he came closer to her, staring into her eyes intently.

"Who are you." He states again and she immediately knew what he was trying to do, and simultaneously answering her question before about him being mysterious.

"For that, I don't think I'm going to tell you. I suggest you go find Caroline," She states as she turned to head back upstairs.

Damon was too stunned to follow the mysterious blonde. How did she know he was using compulsion? He didn't understand the interaction that occurred, but before thinking further into it, he carried himself back to his car and returned home.

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