12. Preparations

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Katie had been trying to talk to Damon for days now. Her date with Carter was last night, and it had gone better than she could've imagined. It was like they picked up right where they left off, and it was easy with him. All she wanted to do was spend time with her best friend, but that wasn't possible after how things were left at the grill a few days ago.

Katie was sat in her window nook, reading a book when Caroline appeared at the door.

"SPILL!" She squeals.

"It was really great," Katie smiled, but it quickly faltered.

"If it went great why do you not seem over the moon?" She sighs, coming to sit next to her sister.

"It was super easy, I had a lot of fun. I don't know if my heart is in it though necessarily. Plus, Damon won't return any of my calls," Katie says.

"Hey, you haven't seen each other in years, give it some time and see where it goes," she smiles, "as for Damon, he will get over himself soon enough, he probably needed a few days to cool off, and believe me not poking the bear any further is the right thing to do," she says, squeezing her sisters shoulder to reassure her.

"I guess, it's just we had gotten so close, all I want to do is spend time with my friend," Katie sighed once again.

"Why don't I go over and get the vibe? See what's going on with him?"

"Caroline you do not have to do that," Katie warns, knowing that is the last thing her sister wanted to do.

"Listen, as much as I hate to admit it, both of you are so happy when you spend time together, and he isn't as much of an ass, so I'd be more than happy to go see what's up," she smiles, getting up to head over to the boarding house.

"I'll report back!" She yells from downstairs before getting into her car.

Katie sat in the silence, lost in her thoughts. She had a pit in her stomach knowing Damon and her weren't on good terms. She felt herself becoming more and more anxious at their current state. She didn't know how to fix the situation, and that made her worry.

Meanwhile, Caroline had pulled up to the house, finding Damon sitting in front of the fire with a bottle of bourbon in his hand.

"Really?" She says, startling him.

"Hello to y-you too Blondie," he slurs, taking another gulp of the brown liquid.

"What are you doing?" She asks, coming to stand in front of him.

"I'm solving world hunger. What does it look like I'm doing?" He rolls his eyes.

"Seriously, Damon. You and Katie have bonded a lot, she misses her friend and I know you do too..." she hesitates.

"I know you wish you were more than friends, but she needs you as just that right now. She's still getting back on her feet, and you really do help her through that. I hate to see you throw away a friendship that equally benefitted you as well," she says grabbing the bottle from him.

He looked to her, making eye contact for the first time since she arrived.

"Thanks for the feedback," he says standing, taking a few steps to balance himself before snatching the bottle back.

"I'll put it under advisement," he smirks sarcastically, going upstairs, away from the unwanted visitor.

Caroline groaned, frustrated at him. She followed him to the foyer, seeing him climbing the stairs, but as she was about to leave, she turned to say one last thing.

"Just because she can't be with you, doesn't mean she is choosing someone else over you. She has herself all worked up and worried sick because you're angry with her. Enough to not even let herself be happy about her date. Clearly, you're the priority. Not him..." she yells up to him.

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