16. The Weight Of Us

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Elena assured her she would keep quiet, as she dropped her off at her house.

"Thank you again, I owe you big time," Katie sighs, rushing into her house to avoid seeing anyone.

Somehow she made it into her room without seeing anyone, assuming Caroline was at Tyler's and her mom was in the office. She stood in her room for a moment, taking in everything that happened. She reached into her purse and saw a bunch of missed calls and texts.

Carter: hey, where r u?
Carter: Katie? R u okay?
Carter: I'm worried...

Caroline: where r u?
Caroline: I'm gonma stay on Tyler's r u giud to go home wirh mom

Well, she was drunk... Katie sighed.

Carter: missed call
Unknown: missed call (2)

Katie plugged her phone in and decided to shower, but once she got in, the tears started flowing out. Her anxiety had taken over, and she had convinced herself she had ruined everything with both Carter and Damon.

She eventually got out and somehow got herself in bed, calm enough to fall into a much needed sleep, tears staining her sheets.


Damon woke up after hearing a door close downstairs. He turned to see an empty spot next to him, as the same realization Katie had when she woke up hit him. Did he mess things up? Does she regret it?

He got up, still groggy, pulling on some pants and his button up, heading downstairs to see if she was still there.

"You did it this time, brother" Stefan laughs.

"She left?" He says, ignoring his tone.

"Elena drove her home...what exactly happened?" The younger brother raises an eyebrow, looking up from writing in his journal.

"What do you think happened?" He groans back.

"I meant how did it happen..." he says.

"I don't know..." he trails off.

"I'm happy to have you back brother, but I can't say I missed your brooding, emotion loving demeanor..."

Elena came back into the room, stopping seeing that Damon had now woken up.

"Good morning, I advise you give her some space, then go talk about it..." she says, going back to Stefan to resume their conversation before they had woken up.


Caroline had returned home after spending the night with Tyler, peaking into her sisters room, seeing the messy scene in front of her. She had been crying, her eyes were puffy and wet marks were pooling on her pillow around her eyes.

"Katie?" She whispered, seeing if she was awake.

"C-Caroline.." she sobbed out, her sister running in to get in bed next to her and hold her tightly. They didn't say a word, Caroline letting her sister release the pent up emotions before she asked what happened.

"I messed it up..." she says, taking deep breaths to stop her cries.

"Messed what up?" Caroline says, moving her hair out of her face.

"Damon...Carter...me..." she sobs again.

They spent the afternoon recapping all the events of the night before, how she basically cheated on Carter with Damon, and how she didn't know how she would face him again, knowing it probably didn't mean as much to him as it did to her. He was a player, wasn't he? He probably just took this as a win and wouldn't pursue it further.

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