7. The Return

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The rest of the ride home was quiet. They would occasionally glance over at the other and make small talk about the songs on the radio.

They had stopped for gas a few times, each time becoming more awkward than the next. Katie nor Damon had no idea why the other insisted on holding their ground, they hadn't even argued, really. But they both knew the other was just as stubborn, and that until one of them came up with a snarky come back to return the conversation to a more casual one again, that the silence would ensue.

Pulling up to the Salvatore house, there were a few cars parked outside, immediately clueing them into the fact that everyone was waiting for their return, and if they had information on Stefan's whereabouts. Damon put the car in park, and as Katie went to unbuckle her seat belt to get out, he put a hand just above her knee, signaling her to stop. She couldn't help but burn up at the simple touch, though she was trying to convince herself that he didn't have any effect on her whatsoever.

"I'll handle telling them everything. Elena is fragile right now," he says "but I wanted to thank you for coming."

"Y-you're welcome" she slightly stuttered, mentally cursing herself for showing even that shred of weakness. Damon smirked, lingering his hand on her thigh, and leaning towards her slightly. Their faces were once again inches away, tensions high.

"Just when you thought you had the upper hand," he says still smirking. She thought she could get a rise out of him back in Tennessee, but clearly she had underestimated him trying to do the same to her.

Now that he had confirmation that he did have an effect on her, he continued to say, "two can play at this game," before breaking all contact and getting out of the car.

As he walked around to open her door, Katie found herself trying regain composure. She would not give in, because if this was a game between them, she would win.

He reached out for her hand, but instead she got up and slid past him, earning a laugh from Damon as they headed inside.

"We're home!" Damon sang, Katie trailing behind him.

Elena, Bonnie, Jeremy, Tyler, and Caroline were all waiting in the living room.

"Did you find Stefan?" Elena quickly asks, and Damon returns her question shaking his head.

"They are on the move and every time we get close they are already in the next place, I'm sorry," he said looking at Katie briefly before continuing, "it wasn't a great scene, Klaus has made him do some nasty things."

"Yeah really, it was good you didn't go," Katie said giving Elena a small smile trying to comfort her, but clearly it wasn't working.

With that she ended up going into the kitchen to get some space, looking both defeated and angry. Bonnie and Jeremy quickly followed after a minute to make sure she was okay.

"So! How was the road trip bonding you two?" Caroline gleams between the two, as Tyler quickly added, "Yeah! Did you braid each other's hair and play truth or dare on the playground at recess??" He laughed, and Caroline gave him a glare.

"Great-" they say in unison.

"Oh you had fun. I know you're obsessed with meeee," Damon sings and flashes her the signature smirk that she is finding more and more attractive every time he does it.

Katie narrowed her eyes and gave him a slap on the arm. "In your dreams. We had a fine time. I saw mangled bodies and we listened to some music, nothing special," She says back, still glaring at Damon.

"Nothing special? You hurt me. I had a great time getting to know one another away from everyone. Much more...intimate" he teases.

"I think I need a drink." Katie quickly replies, rolling her eyes and headed towards the kitchen.

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