19. you and me, forever.

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TW: ~smut~

The sun was shining in through the large glass windows of the Salvatore house. The warm rays hit Katie's cold skin, making her turn over. She opened her eyes to see Damon beside her, admiring her.

"Are you watching me sleep?" She smiles, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Maybe," he smirks, his voice raspy and deep. She hummed, clearly happy to hear his voice. He rolled over to place a sloppy kiss on her lips, hovering over her body as she placed her hands on his broad shoulders.

It had been a few months since she transitioned, and just like Caroline, she found herself adapting relatively better than most vampires would. Guess it runs in the family.

She hadn't felt more alive, she felt everything more intensely, and lived her new life with more purpose.

If it wasn't for Caroline and Stefan, she honestly didn't think she would have made it to this place. She was getting better and better each day at controlling her urges, and keeping her emotions in check when they became overwhelming. Just like her sister, she never felt more confident and strong. She was empowered, and in charge of her life again for the first time in a while, not ridden with insecurity and doubt.

Her and Damon had been falling even deeper in love with one another, having finally given into their feelings. He was her person, as she was his. They made each other better people, and they never trusted anyone like they did one another.

They were truly smitten. Caroline always made a comment about how grossly in love they were, often finding herself having to yell at them to get a room, or go to the Salvatore house so she could sleep in peace. They were inseparable, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

Caroline had helped her tell their Mom after she had transitioned. It was devastating for her mother to learn both of her daughters had to face a burdened eternal life, but she knew that they could handle it, they were Forbes'. They could handle anything they set their minds too. She knew she raised strong and brave daughters, ones that she would be eternally proud of. She raised them to be kind, passionate women, and that's what mattered to her. She raised good people, and that was more than enough for her. She loved them, regardless of what they were.

The sweet kiss they were sharing soon became more heated, Katie's hands going to Damon's hair at the base of his neck, making him moan into her mouth as she gently tugged.

His hands travelled down, caressing her ass before giving it a gentle squeeze, knowing that drove her crazy. She wrapped her legs around his torso, pulling him closer as she moaned at his already hard member brushed up against her thigh.

He moved down her neck, placing more kisses and sucked at quickly healing bruises down to her collarbone.

She moaned happily, arching her back to get more contact.

"Damon," she sighed, meeting his eyes.

"Yes?" He smirks, going back to kissing her neck, this time going up to her ear, gently nibbling on the lobe before whispering lustfully.

"Did you want something?"

"I think you want some thing," she moaned, reaching down to grab his hard cock, pumping it slowly next to her thigh.

"Hmmm I think you want it just as bad," he moaned, placing a kiss on her lips before pulling her hand away. He slowly pushed himself into her, both of them moaning in relief.

"So wet..." he sighs, kissing her again.

"Just for you," she smirks.

He chuckled darkly, pulling all the way out before slamming back in. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her back arching into him above her.

He quickly found a rhythm to his thrusts. It was slow, but deliberate. She was a moaning mess, her thoughts only on him.

"Damon" she sighed, pulling at his hair again.

"I love it when you moan my name," he says pulling her into an open mouthed kiss. The pace started to become sloppy and rough, and they both found themselves so close to the edge.

He stilled for a moment, causing her to whimper and squirm against him.

"Drink from me," he says, leaning his mouth to her shoulder, putting his in front of her own.

"You'll see just how amazing it is now..." he moans, fangs piercing her skin, as she quickly did the same to him.

Her entire body was on fire, every nerve in her body was buzzing. His blood was euphoric, and it was enough to push her over the edge, Damon thirsting roughly, coming undone with her.

They pulled away, the bite marks healing in seconds. He kissed her passionately before rolling to the side and slowly pulling out of her.

She turned her body to cuddle into his side, tucking her head beneath his chin, both catching their breath.

He ran his fingers through her hair, and she hummed in pure bliss.

He placed a kiss to the top of her head, looking down at the beautiful girl he was somehow lucky enough to call his.

"I love you," he says against her head.

She looked up at him, seeing if he had said it on accident, but when she did, his eyes met hers, and she melted.

"I love you too," she grins, going to kiss him once again.


Katie had returned home, going to Caroline's room to see if she was home.

Her sister was sitting on her bed, typing away at her computer, most likely some school assignment she was finishing before the weekend began.

"Hey," Katie said, softly knocking on the open door to signal she was there.

"Hey! How was your night?" She wiggled her eyebrows, making both of them laugh.

"It was good, great even," she laughed.

Katie went to sit beside her sister, she felt like she needed to get this off her chest.

"Care? Can I talk to you?" She says, as Caroline shuts her laptop and turns her attention to Katie.

"Of course," She smiled, waiting for her to talk.

"These past few months-I don't think I will ever be able to thank you enough for helping me. You and Stefan..." she sighs, pulling her sister into a hug.

They sat in an embrace for a moment, before she pulled away to keep talking.

"I also realized I never told you this. And you need to know."

"Know what?" Caroline asks, confused where this is going.

"When I decided to fight, to transition, I never told you what changed my mind," she hesitated.

"It wasn't Damon, it was you,"

"What?" She asks? Now genuinely confused.

"Well it was something Damon said to me. He said all of us could be together for an eternity. And it hit me. I couldn't leave my baby sister alone in this world, to live an eternal life without me by your side."

"Katie," she sighs, tears forming in her eyes.

"I realized I didn't have to be scared. I was never going to be alone, and neither were you. I love you Caroline, and if there is anyone I want to spend eternity with, it's my sister," Katie smiles, letting her tears come down her face.

"I love you Katie, there is no one I would rather spend eternity with either," she laughs away her happy tears, grabbing her sisters hands in her own.

"It's you and me, forever," Katie says, smiling at Caroline.

Caroline let go of her sisters hands, and held out her pinky, which Katie laughed at, wiping her tears away before interlocking their pinkies together.

"You and me forever."

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