3. Friends or Enemies?

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TW: mentions of depression

When Katie woke up this morning, the sun was shining through the window and she felt safe and warm. Waking up in her own bed for the first time in three years was even better than she thought, but right as she started to sit up and relish in the feeling, Caroline came rushing in.

"Good morning!" She gleams, "So, Elena's birthday is today, and I'm throwing her a party. She didn't want to do anything special, especially with Stefan gone, but I convinced her we had to. She said she didn't want anything big, but I think that something is better than nothing she is 18 after all," she continues to ramble in classic Caroline fashion, "but long story short you should come everyone misses you and wants to catch up!!" She says giddy with excitement.

"Maybe, If I'm feeling up to it. Just don't tell them I'm back yet, incase I don't make it I don't want Elena to take it personally, or Bonnie." Katie sighed.

"Okay, but for the record, I will make sure you are feeling up to it," she smiles and swiftly exits the room, leaving her sister to get up and start her day.


Katie had gotten dressed in sweatpants and a tank top since she would be at home most of the day, talking to her mom and figuring out what to do with her time during the summer.

"Good morning sweetie!!" Liz gleamed at her daughter, and handed her a mug of coffee when Katie walked into the kitchen. Liz started walking to sit on the couch and gestured for her daughter to come join her.

"So," she sighs with a little smile.

"So." Katie sighed back.

"How are you doing with everything?"

"Coping. I don't know, it was just a lot to handle at once I guess. Losing your best friend you met your first day of college and your asshole of a boyfriend at the same time doesn't exactly go down easy...especially how it happened" She says back, almost emotionless. She had always used humor to mask her feelings, or to try and cope with them. On the outside, no one really could tell what exactly she was thinking or feeling, and that's how Katie preferred it. She was a private person when it came to her emotions. She always prided herself in being independent and head-strong, never wanting to seek out someone to share feelings with if it wasn't her mother or sister. She never wanted someone to see her as weak; to know the dark, sad places her mind went to after what had happened.

"I know. When you called and told me what happened, all I wanted to do was be there for you...but with everything going on here and the Mayor asking me to stay...well... I'm just so happy you decided to come home."

"Me too. I'm not sure if I can go back though..." Katie says almost zoning out thinking about how awful it would be to return. She couldn't bear to return to the place that was once her new home, but now her worst nightmare.

"I completely understand. I already got information for a bunch of local colleges and online options as well for you to look into this summer, incase," she says, gesturing to the stack of papers on the coffee table.

"Thank you, mom. I will look into those soon, I'm thinking of maybe just enrolling in some online courses for the summer in the meantime, I still have some general stuff to complete for my degree" She says, knowing she needed to stay busy to avoid falling into a rut.

"That's a great idea, you know I'm here for you always, and I am more than happy to talk about things with you. Any time you want," Liz smiles grabbing Katies hand in her own.

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