6. Roadtrip Bonding

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TW: some gory scenes, mentioning of murder, dying, cheating, anxiety, and panic attacks. (Sorry that's a lot! The mentioning ones are just in one part, I will put a "TW"before and a "end" after. Brief gory scenes are a little after)

"Ready?" Damon chirps from the Forbes living room as Katie headed down the stairs with a bag in hand.

"I think so," She says reluctantly, before continuing, "You know I am trusting you to make sure I don't die if I can't protect myself."

"I thought Blondie said you're trained in vampires?"

"Blondie did say that, however she still expects you to take care of her dear older sister in case all of her methods fail," Caroline sings as she comes into the room to say goodbye to the two.

"Understood. I will have her back as soon as I can later this evening miss!" He says sarcastically, saluting Caroline before leading Katie to his car.

"No way. A 1969 Camaro? This is insane!" She practically squealed. She always had a thing for retro cars. Her and her father would fix them up when she was younger, and this was always one of her dream cars.

"Hmm? 69?" He smirks (again).

"Funny. Real Funny."

"Hmmm." He hummed, agreeing with the statement, "To answer your question yes it is," he happily added before opening the door for the girl.


"So I guess road-trips call for bonding, at least that's something my brother would say when he isn't on a ripper binge," Damon laughs.

"Well, I also cope with shitty situations with humor if that helps, I notice you do that too" She says, turning to look at him. He was wearing his classic white t shirt, jeans, and leather jacket look he seems to always be in. His hair was pushed back and he had the slightest stubble on his chin. His bright blue eyes were practically sparkling in the light of day, as he turned and they met her own.

"I don't cope, I don't have feelings."

"Sure you don't. You're a big, bad, ruthless vampire." She mocks, "Isn't bonding about sharing common things and being vulnerable?"

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," he grins, looking back to the road.

She let out a laugh, "you're a very funny man, Damon." She couldn't help but find his allusiveness attractive. He was bold in his words, but at the same time she could tell that underneath it all, he was very timid.

"I try," he says still smiling big. "Maybe our bonding starts with you explaining why you're back home in the first place, seeing as though that's what everyone wants to know," he turned to look at her once again.

She laughed again, "it's kinda really messed up. But, since you don't have feelings, I'm sure you wouldn't understand."

"Oh just tell me," he sighs.

"Well, it has to stay between us because I haven't found a way to tell Caroline yet, let alone anyone really..." her mind drifts off.

"Good thing I don't have feelings then, you can practice on me and I'll be completely un-phased."


"C'mon, is it really that bad?"

"Probably not for you seeing as though people die around you all the time, usually at your own hands," She snapped suddenly.

He looked stunned for just a moment, before she continued to speak.


"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude it's just kinda ironic I'm sitting in the car with a vampire serial killer and my best friend and boyfriend got murdered, by a regular, run-of-the-mill serial killer," she spit out quickly. It was like ripping a bandaid off. She had never actually said it out loud before and honestly, it was a relief.

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