15. Hazy Memories

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TW: ~smut~

Katie woke up to the sun glaring into her eyes, her hangover hitting her like a truck. As she opened her eyes, she started to panic, not realizing where she was.

Then it hit her. Everything that had happened the night before came rushing back.

Damon pulled her even closer to him, grabbing onto her waist signaling her to jump. She wrapped her legs around him, and he sped them back to the boarding house in less than a minute. He crashed through the door, carrying her up the stairs to his room, refusing to break the heated kiss.

He placed her on the bed, and she quickly started pulling off his jacket, as he placed wet kisses down her neck. She couldn't help but let out a quiet moan, loving every second he touched her.

He smirked against her skin, clearly satisfied with the response. He went to unbutton his shirt as she stood up to unzip her dress. Damon came behind her and finished unzipping it, painfully slow. He kissed down her spine as he reached the end, pulling the dress fully off, leaving her in just her panties. He groaned as he came back up, seeing she didn't have a bra on, causing her to smirk this time.

She trailed her fingers down his tightly toned chest, stopping so she could undo his belt, getting on her knees before him. As she got his it undone, she quickly pulled down his dress pants, revealing how much their kisses alone had effected him. She started palming him through his briefs, making him moan at the teasing contact.

"Katie..." he warned, making her look up at him with a devious smile.

He picked her up off her knees and laid her back on the bed. He was done letting her be in control.

He left a trail of kisses down the valley of her breasts, then to her stomach, just above the band of her panties.

He started to rub circles around her heat as she let out a moan. He looked up at her, giving the same devilish smile she did a moment before.

"Not fun being teased is it?" He laughs.

"Damon please." She begs, not even caring how desperate she sounded. She was that desperate. She needed him to touch her.

"Hmm please what?" He says, hooking his fingers under the band of the lace thong, and pulling it down slowly, careful not to make contact with the place she needed him most.

"Touch me," she sighs, clearly frustrated.

"Like this?" He teases, rubbing circles on her sensitive nub causing her to moan again.

"...or like this?" He smiles, kissing her inner thigh before placing a gentle kiss to her heat.

"Damon-" she moaned again. He loved hearing every sound he could pull from her. It only fueled his lust even more.

"Hmmm?" He hummed, sliding his tongue along her.

"Fuck" she groaned as he continued licking and kissing her. His hands reached to grip her ass, only spurring her on more. She felt so overwhelmed by him. Her whole body craving him, needing him.

"You taste so good," he moaned, before placing a finger inside of her, quickly finding the spot that made her go crazy.

"More, please" she moaned loudly, causing him to add another digit, continuing to curl into her g-spot.

"Damon!" She moaned again, clearly overwhelmed in bliss. She gripped onto his hair and pulled him up to kiss her, tasting herself on his lips. She flipped them over, crawling down his body and pulling his briefs down.

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