11. Second Chances

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Carter was a handsome young man. He had a nice build, but wasn't bulky. He was tall, had a nice tan, and dirty blonde hair that was perfectly styled. He somewhat resembled his cousin, Logan Fell, but was much more charming.

Great, another hero hairdo in town. Damon thought as he took in the man's appearance.

"Years, yes. How are you?" Katie says somewhat blandly, still hurt over what had happened between them long ago.

"Once I get a drink I will be better," he smiles, his perfectly straight white teeth gleaming as he signals for Matt.

"Carter? How are you man!" Matt smiles widely.

"This guy was the only thing that made our football team decent our freshman year," Matt laughed explaining to the group.

"I wouldn't say that, we all know nothing made our team decent," he returned the laugh, after asking for a beer.

"How is school Caroline? And college Katie?" He asks the Forbes sisters.

"Good" they both respond, before Caroline decided to take over the conversation.

"You go to UVA right? I was thinking about applying," Caroline chirps, taking his attention away from Katie as he starts discussing college with her.

"I don't like him," Damon says to Katie, still staring at the new guy.

"I don't like him either, he disposed of me like every other girl after we dated for a few months."

"He's a charmer" Ric says, "he's really got the whole wholesome small town guy act down," he says, clearly not caring about speaking his mind thanks to the bourbon.

"So you mean Matt, but not genuine?" Katie laughed, "yeah I see it."

"I can compel him to leave," Damon says, looking to Katie, trying to find out how she is really feeling. He reached over and turned her head to face him, showing her his sincerity.

"It's fine, really. I cant avoid people I don't want to see forever," she says smiling to show she meant what she said.

"So Damon," Carter says, interrupting the moment between Katie and Damon, "What brought you back to town? I heard you haven't been home in quite some time," he says.

"My Brother needed a guardian after our dear Uncle passed away," he says taking a sip of his drink, "what about you? Seems like college is going well, what made you come back?"

Everyone couldn't help but feel tense at the conversation the two were having. Katie wanted to crawl in a hole. She didn't know why Damon was so aggravated with Carter, he just met him.

"My older brother is getting married next month, so lots of family events to attend for a while," he says back.

"No way, Wes proposed to Maia???" Caroline gushed, and Katie smiled.

"They were a very sweet couple, I'm happy for them," Katie smiles at her sister.

"Yes, they are very happy. We are all excited to have her officially in the family," he responded, looking to Katie.

"Can we talk?" He says, gesturing for them to speak in private.

Katie hesitated, looking to her sister and Damon before responding.

"I guess."

She followed him over to a booth, knowing that both her sister and Damon would be tuned in to listen to what he was about to say.

Stupid nosey vampire hearing, she thought.

"I wanted to apologize for how I treated you back in high school," he started, staring into her eyes to show his sincerity.

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