Eunbi Unnie gone crazy

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Hyewon's POV:

It has been a week after Minju's birthday and Eunbi Unnie and I are now together, because she wanted me to take her out. It was Friday night and we were in Itaewon, having drinks. I've been nursing a glass of whiskey the whole night as Eunbi Unnie drank an ungodly amount of whiskey. She was being a weird Unnie tonight. I was asking her what was up, but she just kept on drinking until she spoke about some random things. She was asking me when would she find love and why does it seem like she couldn't find love. If she would've known, I was in love with her, she would've never asked me this question. It was for the nth time that she was asking me incessantly that I finally spoke up my mind unapologetically.

"I love you, Eunbi Unnie, if you only opened your eyes, I am here in front of you and I am here to take care of you and love you truly." I replied to her drunken question.

She giggles at me and replied to me in her drunken stupor.

"My Wonnie loves her Unnie. Wooowww! Lucky me." She replied to me.

I smiled at her and lightly nodded. There was no use to explain to her what I truly feel for her, she wouldn't understand it eitherway, because she's drunk and out of it.

"Wonnie-ah. I love you too my dongsaeng. Never forget that my dongsaeng." She replies to me and raised her cup to me for another shot.

"I wuv Wonnie who is here for her Unnie always." She replied.

I poured her another shot, albeit my heart was breaking at this instance, I managed a smile to her. She gulps down the drink I just poured her and whines again.

"But I need someone to love me like love me love me, you get it?! You do right? I know you get me. I need to find someone to love me. When am I going to find him or her? More importantly when am I gonna debut?! I hate myself Wonnie, I hate that I am left here without Seri and Haneul Oppa." She whines to me.

I brought her in for a hug, I held her until she was done crying. Whispering to her how much I love her. How I am here in place of her two other friends who have had their lives cut short, I will always be there for her. Like I have always stood by her and accompanied her into her downfall. I reassured her that I will never leave her alone. While I was hugging her as she cries, I texted Yugyeom and told him to help me carry Eunbi Unnie back to my car. A few seconds more and Yugyeom appeared inside the bar. He puts Eunbi Unnie to his back and carried her out, I left Nine Thousand Won for our drinks and finger food that we ordered and then abruptly left the bar.

I got out of the bar and found Yugyeom slightly struggling to place Eunbi Unnie inside the car. I helped him get Eunbi Unnie situated inside the car, I buckled her up and once I was sure she was already secured and safe, I rounded to the right door and simultaneously opened the right door and got in, I buckled myself and paid attention to the front. Yugyeom quickly got in after slamming my door shut and then started to drive back to the dorm. I looked at Eunbi Unnie who was half-asleep and half-awake, she's fighting sleep off by blabbering about love and how it seemed she wasn't fit to find love. I tucked myself beside her and hugged her simultaneously.

"Won-ah? You think I'm not good enough to be loved? Why did Haneul Oppa leave us? Then Seri, Seri took her life. What am I supposed to do now?" She said to me in the hug.

She was a mixture of sorrow from the deaths of the two Unnies/Dorm Parents and a mixture of hopelessness from finding love in the wrong places. Just like I've been focusing on her and she turns her back on me. She cried again, it was painful and agonizing to hear her cry. To hear her questions about when is she going to debut and when is she going to find someone to love her? I would love to tell her that she didn't need to look far away, I am and always will be here, I love her more than anything and that would be irrevocable for the time being and she will always be the love of my life for a long time, at least this is what I thought about the matter for now.

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