Chapter 1 ✨

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Btw Muchirou snd Tanjiro were childhood bestfriends but Tanjiro needed to leave for future purposes. Forgot to add that.

*...* is doing an action (...) is when I pause the storyline to explain "..." is thinking

After the trial

Muchiro: Ka? Something, is he here?

Aoi: Huh? Oh Tanjiro! Yeah here let me show u his room

Few Minutes Later

Aoi: Tanjiro-kun someones looking for u! 

Tanjiro: O-oh alright let them in!

Muchirou and Aoi gets in

Tanjiro? Muchirou-Kun?

Muchirou: Can you leave us alone? 

Aoi: Sure, Tanjiro-kun remember at 5:30 dinner is resdy snd eat ur medicine beside ur bed

*Tanjiro nods*

Muchirou: *Looks at him with teary eyes*

Tanjiro: Muchirou-kun..

Muchirou: You left me! *Sniffs* why'd u leave?!

Tanjiro: I..Im sorry Muichirou.. there was business and..and I.. couldnt get to you and say... goodbye

Muchirou: No..! dont u ever leave me again, ever again! Im staying by ur side forever, im not letting u go!

(Let me change my format first-) 

Tanjiro then chuckles. 'Wh-why are you laughing? Muchirou says confusingly. 'Nothing ur just so cute'. 'Im not! Oh by the way.. can..can you call me-' Muchirou gets cut off and tanjiro said 'Mui-chan?' *Muchirou nods embarrassingly* 'Haha alright Mui! Since we just got reunited lets start off easy, tell me abt urself Mui!' Tanjiro said excitedly 'Well.. *Muichirou proceeds to explain what happend to himself and age ofc* ... silent it was just silent.. until 'W-well then I'll help u since were bestfriends! Ill come to ur house everyday to remind u of myself! And the other things u need to know!' *Muchirou looks at him in his eyes, his eyes sparkled when he said those words and nods* 'Im tired.. im sleeping here. Night' Muchirou says faintly 'Haha sure! I might aswell too.. oh right the medicine!' Without hesitant Tanjiro quickly drinks the medicine and hesds to sleep. 

The next day: 7:02 

Muchirou wakes up and stares at Tanjiro sleeping "Cute.. I missed u Tanjiro.. why'd u leave me?" After a few minutes Tanjiro wakes up. So the day goes on like the anime/manga until it turned 3:01. Tanjiro said 'I have to go to Muis house see you later at dinner, tell Aoi I will be late! Bye!' Tanjiro then tries to find his way to Muichirous house until he bumps into Kanroji Mitsuri 'O-Oh sorry Kanroji-san!' Tanjiro says while panicking ' Oh its alright Kamado-san!' Mitsuri says excitedly. As she always wanted to meet the Kamado siblings as their sibling love is unbreakable and just the sweetest. 'Oh please call me Tanjiro!' Saying that while constantly bowing to the girl 'Oh alright Tanjiro-san then call me Mitsuri! oh by the way where were you headed! U were in a rush' 'Oh I was going over to Muis..- Muchirous house! Can u please lead it to me Mitsuri-san..' Oh Muchirous house well its over here follow me' Mitsuri says energetically

After a few minuts they arrived

'This is it! Can I ask whats ur business with Muchirou?' Mitsuri says confusingly 'Oh were childhood bestfriends! I promised to help him recover his memories! 'Oh alright! If u ever need help call me, im off Tanjiro goodluck' As Mitsuri waves snd smiles. 'Of course thank u!' Tanjiro does the same. Tanjiro knocks on the door hoping for and answer. 'Huh? Tan.. Tanjiro..?' 'Mui! Im here to help! Do u remember our promise?' 'Huh- Oh erhm *Muchirou tried to remember but doesnt help*' ' Haha here ill explain! ' Tanjiro explains everything smr things he needs to do while Muchirou glances at Tanjiros features. As days, weeks pass Muchirou was getting better. Muchirou even learned to cook eith Mitsuri. Those three were bestest of friends. Tanjiro was now well and is headed to the mission but first he went to Muichirous house to tell the news. As he told him Muchirous baby teary eyes once again shows up and says to not leave. Tanjiro exclaims that he is gonna be alright bc Rengoku is with me! Muchirou feels relieved yet still uneasy but he gave in and lets go off Tanjiro. They promise each other for Muchirou to remember Tanjiro and Tanjiro stays alive. Everthing is the same as the anime/manga. Rengoku dies and the other Hashiras r informed of it. Muchirou was terrified..he remembered Tanjiro saying Rengoku was gonna be with him. He rushes to the butterfly mansion which he remembered and asks Aoi where Tanjiro is. He falls to the floor as he sees the injuries Aoi explained to him. 

Each day he would tell him 'Tanjiro Kamado!' So he remembers. Mitsuri tried to calm him but doesn't help the slightest bit. He remembered a flower that was in the Butterfly mansion and picked the flowers. Muchirou reminded them of Tanjiro. His eyes and hair mostly. Muchirou would always take care of the flowers as if they were Tanjiro himself. 

2 Months ago

Nothing happened yet.. until Muchirou was informed by the little girls Tanjiro was awake. He rushes to the butterfly mansion and sees Tanjiro.. laughing and smiling. Muchirou hugs Tanjiro tightly and the others gave them space and leaves them. Muchirou said 'WHY.. WHY DID U.. why did u not wake up.. u haven't woken up in 2..2 months..' Tanjiro apologizes. Muchirou stayed at the butterfly mansion accidentally sleeping comfortably eith Tanjiro. 

They were sleeping so cutely like am couple until..

Alright thats it folks! Hope u liked it, my arms hurt and I needa leave a cliffhanger. Sorry for the mistakes in the chapter. Sorry that this is also short. Idk why but people or authors tell them the words used so 

Words: 911

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