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The Narnians happily enter the castle. Fireworks are set off.

Caspian walks down the steps at the courtyard, and sees Aslan talking to Peter, Susan and Gwendolyn. Caspian was about to leave when Aslan called out to him, "Your Majesty?"

They look over at him. His gaze lingers on Gwendolyn, who had tears in her eyes.

"We are ready. Everyone has assembled," Caspian announces.

Outside the castle, all the Telmarine people and the Narnians have gathered.

"Narnia belongs to the Narnians just as it does to man. Any Telmarnies who want to stay and live in peace are welcome to. And for any of you who wish, Aslan will return you to the home of our forefathers," Caspian announces.

"It has been generations since we left Telmar," A Telmarine Lord says.

"We are not referring to Telmar. Your ancestors were sea-faring brigands, pirates run aground on an island. There they found a cave, a rare chasm that brought them here from their world, the same world as our kings and queens," Aslan adds. Aslan looks over at the Pevensies, "It is to that island I can return you. It is a good place for any who wish to make a new start."

"I'll go. I will accept the offer," Glozelle says after moments of silence. Caspian bows his head and Glozelle does the same.

"So will we," Prunaprismia says. Prunaprimsia, carrying her baby, and another Telmarine Lord follow Glozelle and stand before Aslan.

"Because you have spoken first, your future in that world will be good," Aslan tells them. Aslan nods, and then the tree behind Caspian twists, forming a round opening. They walk through the door in the air and vanish from sight. The people gasp.

"How do we know he is not leading us to our deaths?!" A Telmarine Peasant yells gesturing to Aslan.

"If he wanted you dead, you would have been dead by now! Do think before you speak!" Gwendolyn yelled back.
"Sire, if my example can be of any service, I will take eleven mice though with no delay," Reepicheep tells Aslan.

Peter and Susan look at each other. Aslan looks over at them. Peter steps forward.

"We'll go," Peter announces.

"We will?" Edmund asks.

"Come on. Our time's up," Peter says. He walks over to Caspian and offers his sword, "After all, we're not really needed here anymore."

Caspian takes the sword.

"I will look after it until your return," Caspian assures him.

"I'm afraid that's just it. ...We're not coming back," Susan says.

"We're not?" Lucy asks sadly.

"You two are," Peter replies. He looks at Aslan, "At least, I think he means you two."

"But why? Did they do something wrong?" Lucy asks Aslan.

"Quite the opposite, dear one. But all things have their time. Your brother and sister have learned what they can from this world. Now it's time for them to live in their own," Aslan replies.

"It's alright, Lu. It's not how I thought it would be, but it's alright. One day you'll see too. Come on," Peter says.

"Wait, what about Gwen?" Lucy asks.

"I-I'm staying, here in Narnia," Gwendolyn replies.

"You are?" Edmund asked. Gwendolyn knew he was angry at her for not telling him earlier. She understood, she would've felt the same way.

"I'll visit you, from time to time. I'll also see you when you visit Narnia again," Gwendolyn explains. Gwendolyn runs over to Edmund and wraps her arms around him, "I'm so sorry, Ed. I wish it wasn't like this."

"It's fine, I understand why," he replied. Gwendolyn wipes a stray tear that escaped her eye. Lucy then jumps in her older sister's arms.

"I'm so sorry, Lu. I wish we spent more time together," Gwendolyn says.

"Me too, Gwen. I'm sorry about how you felt at home," Lucy replied wiping her own tears. The young girl watches as Gwendolyn walks up to Susan.

"No, don't apologise," Susan says before Gwendolyn could open her mouth, "I am at fault. I never asked how you were feeling or if you wanted to come with me. I love you Gwen. I always have. You are my twin sister. I hated seeing you upset. I hated seeing how cold you were and knowing that we are the reason you were like that."

"It's fine, I'll miss you Susan," Gwendolyn says. The two girls wrap their arms around each other. When they both pulled apart, each girl had tears streaming down her face. Finally, Gwendolyn reached Peter.

"Goodbye, Peter," Gwendolyn said.

"Goodbye, Gwen," Peter said. Gwendolyn was shocked when her brother pulled her into a hug. They pulled apart after a few seconds. Peter shakes Glenstorm's hand. Edmund, Lucy, Trumpkin, and Cornelius bow. Lucy curtsies to Trumpkin and he nods, they both stare at each other before they embrace. Susan walks up to Caspian.

"I'm glad I came back," Susan says, "Take care of my sister, please."

"I will," Caspian nods. They share a quick hug in a friendly manner. Susan walks away and joins the group. Edmund, Peter, Susan, and last of all Lucy start walking away. Lucy takes once look back at Aslan and Gwendolyn, she hesitates but turns and jumps into the older girl's arms one last time. She let's go and then walks through the door in the air, and back to London.

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