Special Chapter: Elimae's Unsaid Words

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"You will be my first and last too..."

Out of all the promises that I told you, this is the only one that I'm able to keep. When there's someone who would like to get to know me, I push them away. I had the best time with you; no man could beat that.

If only I could turn back the time... the time where I was inside the comfort room, hiding behind the door and heard a group of girls talking shit behind me. The words that they threw at me affected me.

The demons inside my mind kept telling me that you only loved me because I was young and naive... That you would leave me once you felt satisfied... That we weren't meant to be together, and I was the only option you had.

Those girls won. My demons won. I was so afraid that it was all true, so I pushed you away. I could take the torment of leaving you better than the other way around.

And I regret it.

My mind made you an enemy. If my heart was stronger than my thoughts back then, would things be different? If I fought back, if I told you the truth, if I was more mature, or if I asked for your help, would our relationship last?

All these what ifs... but no answers.

A decade has gone by without you, but I'm still here, stuck with our past. I couldn't move on. I couldn't leave. I know that you have already found someone else. And I'm aware that you have a loving wife and beautiful kids.

After all these years, I couldn't forgive myself for what I did to you and your family. I'm the one to blame. Can you please help me take this guilt and pain away?

When The Flower Falls (Fitzmael 7)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon