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Stay Forever With Me

*Vic's POV*

I wake up to urgent whispering outside my bunk.

"Shh... You'll wake him up." I hear someone whisper yell. It sounded a lot like Tony.

"I don't care! He's been acting strange lately and he won't tell me anything! Why can't he just tell me? I'm his brother for crying out loud." Obviously that was Mike.

"Well what do you want me to do about it?" Tony whispers.

"I don't know!" Mike almost yells. "He just worries me sometimes." His tone voice grows softer, drowning in worry.

"It's fine. He'll come around eventually, trust me." Tony reassures him. Even without looking I could tell they were hugging. "Just go wake him up." He urges.

A couple seconds later my curtain gets yanked open. The light almost blinds me. "Vic! Get the F**k out bed!"

I groan and mumble a barely audible "No." Rolling over so my back was facing Mike.

"Don't make me come in there!" He threatens. Knowing completely well he'll follow through with his threat from experience I swiftly jump out of the bunk.

"First show at 11! And don't you dare think about getting back in that bed!" Mike yells as he walks away and exits the bus.

Tony just stands there muttering something about him acting so bipolar all the time.

I run my hand through my hair, breaking the knots formed from sleeping like a rock. "What time is it?"


"Sh*t! I have no time to shower." I turn around back to my bunk and grab some clothes at random running straight to the bathroom.

When I finish getting dressed and somehow managing to get my hair to perfection, I jog off the bus.

Today was the first day of Warped Tour and Im already running late.

Great. Just great.

Luckily for me the whole schedule was running a bit late due to some electrical difficulties, so I ended up arriving just in time.

"Hey Vic. I Thought you died." Jaime pats me on the back and hands me my guitar.

"Gee. Thanks." I roll my eyes and we start laughing.

A middle aged lady came up to us in a headset and a clipboard. "You guys are up. Good luck!"


"This songs for you guys!" I yell into the mic and start strumming my heart out.

"You're my favorite explosion.

You know the only real way to cure pain is to add a little more, because everything new distracts the old.

A violin with no hands plays symphonies with no words.

A drowning boy with no voice prays someone up there's telling me,

You'd better not get back up!

I spit my heart into this red cup.

I'd better pick it back up, it might ruin your night.

And she said,

"Baby, leave the water by the bed for later,

and I woke up without a single drop.

I told myself I'm tired of holding up your backup plans.

Go down your list and be satisfied if all you have is not enough.

Stay Forever With Me // KellicWhere stories live. Discover now