I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket

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"Wait. What?" Justin asks in surprise and confusion. "Are you sure?"

Mike shrugs. "Come on. You don't just go around sleeping with your best friend without having some kind of feelings."

Everyone stares at me in shock and I suddenly start to fiddle with my hands while a blush creeps onto my cheeks. "Vic, do you like Kellin, like more than a friend?" Tony asks.


"So, Let me get this straight. Kellin's gay, you're gay-

I cut him off. "Actually I'm bi."

Justin nods and continues."You're bi and you guys slept with each other, and now were trying to set you up together. Am I right?"

"I guess so."

They all high five each other. "I knew something was going on between you two!" Jesse exclaims. "Even though the sleeping together part is kinda weird."

Tony says. "We need a plan."

Gabe pipes up. "I have an idea."


*Kellin's POV*

"So that concludes our interview with Kellin Quinn from Sleeping With Sirens. Any last words?" The interviewer asks me.

I take the microphone. "Our new record should be out in a couple months and remember I love you."

The camera stops rolling and the girl interviewer looks at me. "Thanks for taking your time out of your time to do this." She glances down at her phone. "Oh! We're done a little bit early. Would you like to go for some coffee?"

I really look at her for the first time. She was quite tall, with long brown hair and bright blue eyes. Plus a killer figure that any guy would kill for. Except me. When I looked at her I just felt nothing and I have to admit that the whole interview I was thinking of Vic.

What was he doing? Did he tell anyone about last night? Was he mad I left? and more importantly, was he thinking about me?

"Um...Sorry, I already have plans, but thanks for the offer." I lie. When In all honesty I was completely free for the rest of the day. I already played a show this morning.

Tomorrow was busy though. Concerts all day.

"Oh. Okay. Well I hope to see l you again. Bye!" She waves as I walk out of the tent we where in.  

That's when I notice Justin, Gabe, Jack, Jesse all forming a circle around me, slowly closing in.

I raise my eyebrow curiously. "What are you guys doing?"

They say nothing and let Justin walk up to me and throw me over his shoulder. I yelp in surprise but just let them continue what they're doing. I know that whatever I do it won't stop them.

They looked determined.

And slightly scary.  

We end up back on our bus. Where they finally put me down. "Wear this." Jack throws me a stack of clothes.

"Why?" I ask now even more confused then before. "Just don't question it, you gotta go with the flow Kellin." Jake preaches.

I mumble "fine." And step into the tiny bathroom.

When I unfold the clothes I find that there were black skinny jeans, a white dress shirt and a black tie. Fancy. What it the world are they planning?

I slide into the clothes and tie the tie and walk back out to the waiting members. "Perfect." Gabe says excitedly.  

"Can you at least fix up your hair?" Jack pleads. I groan and go back to the bathroom, quickly running my hands through my hair and putting it back in its proper place.  

"Is this better?" I say in a mocking tone.

Jack rolls his eyes. "Yes. Now follow us and get in the car." 


After a somewhat long drive of burning curiosity the car stops and everyone gets out in an oddly fast manner, leaving me in the car alone for a few seconds.

Jesse opens the door for me. Okay. This day is just getting stranger and stranger.

When I step out he yells at me to close my eyes. I do as he says and stumble alongside who I think was Gabe.

Whenever I would trip on some hole or a rock I could hear snickers from all around me.

"Okay. Kellin, sit down and count to ten before you open your eyes."

I slowly and carefully sit down. My hands feel the grass, but it wasn't grass. A blanket?

I start counting.


I smelt food.


Very yummy food


Cheesy food




Definitely Pizza


I felt the wind pick up


I should have brought a jacket


Jack! Why did you not give me a jacket?


Where am I?


I open my eyes.

I was outside on a hill facing a lake I didn't even know existed. I was sitting on a checkered blanket with a pizza box placed on top.

That's when I look to my left. A very handsome Vic, (also in fancy clothing) was staring at me with a nervous grin on his face.

"Hey. Do you know what's going on?" I ask. I have to say that this whole thing seemed a tad romantic. I didn't want to get my hopes up. He didn't like me that way.  

"Obviously. Im having lunch with you." Vic smiles. "Oh wait. I have something to give you." He reaches behind his back and pulls out a yellow rose.

"It means friendship." He explains as he hands it to me.

I just got Friend zoned in the most romantic way possible.



Poor Kellin.

Trust me. The next chapters going to be good. And your fangirl feelings will go crazy.

Sorry for not uploading yesterday. Personal problems :(

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You'll get a bouquet of yellow roses.

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