King For A Day

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Quick authors note:

Holy Moly! When i started writing this chapter it had Almost a 1000 reads. Now it's over 2000? Hugs and kisses to all. :(|) 


*Vic's POV*

It's been a week since Kellin and I started dating and I swear that we were more in love than ever, we haven't came out to the fans yet, though most bands on warped know. Surprisingly they were all supportive.

I was just about to head on stage to play our set when I spot Kellin in the crowd. His long hair was blowing in the wind and he had to constantly put it back in place, from the look on his face he seemed pretty p*ssed by that.  

I chuckle slightly to myself and Tony gives me a look of confusion. I shrug and walk over to Mike. He wasn't mad at me anymore an I definitely want to keep it that way.

"Ready to go on?" I ask. He nods and Jaime and Tony join us.

"Lets make this show a good one alright?" Jaime says attempting to pump us up. It must have worked because I grab my guitar and started jumping around like an idiot.

"Lets go!" I yell and run to the stage.

Immediately finding the microphone I say "This ones for you. You know who you are." I look Kellin in the eyes and he blushes a little.

Mike starts drumming, Tony and Jaime start strumming and I start singing.

"I changed your mind 

And ended up here. 

Through stained glass eyes 

And colorful tears


Maybe I'll pretend right now 

But I swear to God 

I'm gonna change the world 

And I promise you 

Someday we'll tell ourselves 

"Oh my God, this is paradise"

I cherish my 

American girl 

She holds them down 

While I destroy the world 

My desperate crimes 

She don't seem to care

She bites her tongue  

So that we can tell each other 

"Baby this is paradise" 

"And it's so god d*mn good" 

Now we live like we should


Maybe I'll pretend right now 

But I swear to God 

I'm gonna change the world 

And I promise you 

Someday we'll tell ourselves 

"Oh my God, this is paradise" 

The crowd cheers as I catch my breath.

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