Yeah Boy And Doll Face

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*Vic's POV*

I shove my hands deep into my jeans pockets nervously while I glance around for any sign of Mike.

Instead I spot Tony and Jaime sitting on the grass chattering happily with one another. I walk up to them.

"How did you date with Kellin go?" Jaime smirks.

"It wasn't a date." I snap. Oops, that sounded a little mean.

"Whoa there! Somebody must've peed in your cornflakes this morning." Jaime jokes.

I ignore him and look over at Tony, not in the mood for jokes right now "Have you seen Mike?"

"Umm...I think he's still in the bus moping around about you or something."

I bend down and give him a hug. "Thanks Turtle."

He beams and turns back to Jaime. What in the world are they doing?

Sure enough Mike was in the bus drumming on the table with his drums sticks. He seems to do that when he's nervous.

"Hey Mike." I say shyly. He turns around and pats the spot beside him. I sit down.

"Did you get things figured out with Kellin yet?"

I shake my head. "I'm pretty sure I just made things worse."

"Can you tell me what's going on with Kellin?" Mike asks hopefully.

I pretend to zip my lips. "Sorry bro. That's an actual secret."

He clenches his jaw. "I thought you were here to explain things. I hate seeing you like this Vic. Your a mess and I just want to help."

I lean my head on his shoulder. "I know. But I think I'm ready to tell you what's up. Not with Kellin though, that's a whole different story."

For the first time in weeks I saw a genuine smile form on Mikes face. "Thank you. Now just tell me already!" He anxiously pleads.

I take a deep breath and look away. I can't see his reaction. "I might be gay." The whisper barely passes my lips.

"What do you mean by 'might be'?" Mike immediately responds.

"Well I know for a fact that I like woman but recently I've noticed myself checking out guys and having disturbing thoughts."

I gain the courage to look at him.

To my surprise his face was soft with understanding.

"It's alright Vic." He says wiping the tears from my eyes, and that's when I realized I was crying.

Mike pulls me close into his chest and runs his fingers through my hair, for some odd reason that always calmed me down.

He starts talking again. "I know that this must be really confusing for you but you can't let it take over your life."

I pull away. "I know, but I think talking to you really helped. But promise not to tell the other guys?"

"Only if you promise to tell them when you have everything sorted out." Mike counter offers.



I lie in my bunk listening to my music when the curtain gets slashed open.

It was Jaime. "There's a party with some of the bands and your coming whether you like it or not."

I groan. "Do I seriously need to come?"

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