Bulletproof Love

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*Vic's POV*

We get back to warped just in time to see Of Mice And Men. Everyone else ditches us, so it's only Kellin and I.  

The security guards let us backstage and everyone stops and stares at us. That's when I look down and see that our hands were still intertwined.

And thats when Alan, Austin, Tino and Phil are start bombarding us with questions.

"Whoa there. You guys need to go play. We'll answer stuff later." Kellin interrupts.


Me and Kellin were watching them play from the sides of the stage like we usually do, they were just finishing up their last song.

"Without you little f**kers we wouldn't be here playing for you. Thank you so much!" Austin yells into the mic and they all head off stage.

I reach out a grip Kellins hand as I start running to reach them. Practically dragging him behind me.

"Hey guys. That was great." I smile. They were all sweaty and sitting in a little tent that was set up behind stage.

"Thanks Vic." Tino grins. "So, care to tell us whats going on with you two?"

"I don't really feel like telling you so ill just show you." Kellin gives me a mysterious grin before getting up on his tippy toes and pressing his lips to mine. I immediately kiss back and hold him close giving him one last peck before pulling away.

"Oh. Wow." Austin says. "I knew something was going on between you two." Alan cuts in "especially at the party."

I put my arm around Kellins waist.

"So. You guys going to tell people or try and keep it a secret?" Austin asks curiously.  

I look at Kellin and he nods confirming what I was thinking. "Ya. We're going to tell people. But not yet."  

"When did you guys get together?" Phil asks me. "Um. We actually got back from our first date."

From the corner of my eye I could see Kellin look down shyly with a blush appearing on his cheeks.

Austin looks at his watch. "Oh sh*t! Sorry guys, but we need to go do an interview. Talk to you later."

We nod and wave, walking out of the tent. I lean down into his ear. "I think we should watch our hands in public alright?"  

He didn't say anything but he just let go of my hand and smiled at me.


I walk Kellin to his bus and I head back to mine. 

Mike, Tony and Jaime were all sitting at the little table.

"What's going on?" I ask cheerfully plopping myself down on Tonys lap. He lets out a yelp of surprise but then wraps his arms around me.  

"Nothing much. We're traveling tonight so make sure you have everything in here." Mike explains and I nod my head.


After traveling all night I was tired as hell. I could fall asleep and when I did I would wake right back up.

I step out of my bunk and groan as the sun hits my eyes. This is going to be a long day.

I walk to the living area and see that Jaime prepared breakfast. The sent of pancakes and syrup hitting my nose.  

I silently grab a plate and sit down. Immediately engulfing the pancakes Jaime gave me.

"Bad night, huh?" He hands me a monster energy drink. I open it and take a long chug. It instantly working it's magic. "Thanks."

I hear a loud thud from the bunk area and a few seconds later Tony appeared rubbing his arm.

Jaime gets up with a worried look on his face. "Aww. Did my little turtle fall out of his bunk again?" He pulls him into a tight hug. "Dude. I'm fine."

I couldn't hold it in anymore, a loud laugh erupts from me.

Jaime turns around and glares at me while Tony starts laughing too.

"Shut the f**k up!" Mike yells from his bunk causing me to laugh even harder than before. 

Maybe today would be good after all.


Yay for another upload!

*bows repeatedly while crowd cheers wildly and curtain slowly closes*

There's either going to be one more LONG chapter or a couple more short ones. Not sure yet.

So if I don't upload in a couple dad you know it's going to be a long one. :)

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Smile lovelies. Keep your chin up.

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