One Hundred Sleepless Nights

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*Gabes POV*

"Oh My f***ing Gosh! They kissed!" I scream to the others.

We were all crammed into the car watching the date unfold excitingly.

"Finally." Tony mumbles to me. I laugh and give him a playful slap on the back. "Come on. Look at how cute they are."

Vic was on top of Kellin planting gentle kisses on his mouth and they were so cute I could die.

Fangirling about my own band member? Yes. Shipping Kellin and Vic? Hell yes.

*Vics POV*

To be honest I never would have thought Kellin liked me, or the other way around, and now he's my boyfriend. That's right MINE.

Kellin was in my arms and I was gently stroking his hair. I could even feel his uneven heartbeat. A heartbeat he always gets when he's about to cry.

"What are you thinking right now?" I whisper into his ear.

Kellin sits up a little bit in my arms. "What would the fans think? Won't they hate us?"

"Kellin. If they're truly our fans then they'll love us through anything. But don't care about what the fans think. I'm still going love you and nothing's going to stop that." I say truthfully trying to soothe him.

He looks up at me nervously and gives me a quick peck on the lips. "I love you too." My stomach flips in blissfulness.

"Should we head back? I think Alan wanted us to come to one of his shows." I change the subject. "Sure."

Kellin gets up and offers me his hand to help me. I gladly accept it. "Thanks Kells." But when I was fully stable on my feet he still didn't let go of my hand. I give him a look of curiosity.

He shrugs. "What? Can I not hold my boyfriends hand?" I look away timidly. "Shouldn't we clean up the mess?" Kellin gestures to the pizza. I laugh a little. "Nah. I'll get Jaime to do it."

He rolls his eyes and we walk slowly and contently back to the car. "How did you get here?" Kellin asks. "Well, Justin picked us up and drove us here. Now that I think of it, we should have had two vehicles. Would have been much more convenient."

When we reach the car you could see it shake from everyone moving away from the window. Probably trying to make it look like they weren't watching us.

Kellin and I laugh and open the back door. "Get out of the way!" I yell to the back of someone's head, kinda looked like Jack but I really didn't care.

"How are we even going to all fit in here?" Mike yells when someone accidentally hits him in the face. Tony shrugs. "Maybe we could pair up or something?" Mike looks at him like he's crazy. "Like sitting on each others lap?"

"Dude. Calm down Mike. It's the only way it's going to work. Oh, and Jaime can you go clean up back there?" I gesture to the picnic.  

I hear a sigh and suddenly he was outside heading towards the mess.

"Everybody get out of the car!" Jesse screams. I could help but laugh at his sudden outburst.

Soon we all were out and Jaime was back. "Who's driving?" I ask. Justin's hand snaps up in the air. "I will."

"Good. That means we can evenly pair up. I pick Kellin." I wrap my arm around his waist tightly and I think I noticed a little blush forming on those cute little cheeks.

Jesse was with Gabe, Mike was with Tony, and Jaime was with Jack.

After we all pile skillfully into the car, Justin starts driving and we head back to Warped.



And for some reason I absolutely LOVE this chapter. Maybe because of Gabe's POV. That was so cute.

I think I'll have a couple more chapters and then the story will be finished. (Sadly) but ill DEFINITELY make more fanfics in the future.

But in the mean time I'm going to try and finish all my stories I having going (there's so many) and then I can start fresh :)

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