Do It Now Remember It Later

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*Kellin's POV*

I run out of Pierce The Veils tour bus.

I can't believe I just did that.

By now the tears are streaming freely down my face and I couldn't even see we're I was running.

With my eyes clouded over and my hair sticking to my face I might as well be blind.

Just then my body collided with a very hard solid object causing me to fall hard on the ground.

I wipe my eyes and see it was a person. "Are you alright?" They ask with worry.

I nod my head quickly and get up heading in the other direction, not in the mood to talk.

All of the sudden I saw a big tree just right in the open, spreading its branches in all directions giving shade to anything within its grasp.I walk towards it like it was calling my name, for some odd reason trees seemed to calm me down.

I sit down on the lush grass and lean against the trunk, and for that split second I forgot what I was so worked up about. But then reality had to come crashing back down with twice as much impact as the first time.

"Kellin!" My head snaps up that I didn't even realize was between my knees.

It was Vic, looking around frantically.

I look back down. Please don't see me, please don't see me. I chant in my mind.

Of course I had to take a curious glance and in that instant Vic's eyes lock with mine and he starts jogging towards me.

Oh no. He probably here to call me a fag. Who knows, he might be a homophobe. I'm not taking any chances.

I can't just let him run over here and not do anything about it.

I stand up and start running like my life depended on it, because it practically did. Vic's acceptance means everything to me.

"Kellin please stop!" I hear Vic yell at me.

Knowing ill regret it I take a look back to see if Vic was gaining on me. Sure enough he was.

I turn my head back around just in time to see a figure standing in front of me, and for the second time today I fell to the ground from people induced collisions.

But this time when my head smacks the ground my vision goes black.

F*ck you Warped for being so crowded.


I groan and roll over, in a bed?

"Dude! I think he's alive!"

I open my eyes and see I was back in my bus with an excited Jesse in my face.

I reach out my arm and push his face away with my hand.

"Oh, Dr.Vic!" He yells like a little school girl.

Oh no. Vic's here? I sit up quickly and an overwhelming dizzy-ness comes over me. I immediately lay back down.

"What happened?" I mumble.

Vic walks into view with a glass of water and some pills.

He smirks. "Well then, you were running from me. Then you ran straight into Jesse here."

I look at Jesse and he flexes his muscles.

"And you blacked out when your head hit the ground." He finishes.

I avoid Vic's intense questioning gaze. "So that's why my head hurts like hell."

"And that's why I brought you these." He holds out his hand and I grab the pills and water.

Stay Forever With Me // KellicWhere stories live. Discover now