A Trophy Father's Trophy Son

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*sexual content biatchss*

(SORRY! Love ya!)

*Kellin's POV*

Vic moves over on the couch so I could lay beside him. I happily join him.

To my pleasurable surprise he wraps him arm around my neck and pulls me close into his chest.

For about a half an hour we both lay in silence with our eyes glued to the movie and our minds drifting.

I decide to break the silence with a question that's been eating me up all afternoon.

"Did you enjoy the kiss?"

He turns to me in shock. "Why? Did you?"

I slowly and cautiously nod my head.

He pulls away his arm and runs his hand back through his hair. "Oh. Wow."

"So did you enjoy it or not?" By now I was getting a little annoyed with the lack of answer.

He smirks. "I don't know...maybe we should kiss again just to see."

I smiled at that moment because I knew he enjoyed it. Just another excuse to kiss me.

He places his fingers delicately on my chin and he pulls my lips to his.

It started slowly with gentle movements and soft touches but soon enough our breathing became ragged and rough, constantly wanting more, needing more.

I roll us so I was on top, with his arms pinned above his head. I pull his hair gently and he lets out a soft moan, and I take that moment to slide my tongue into his mouth carefully exploring.

My hands-having a mind of their own-slide up his shirt, making sure to feel every inch of his bare chest.

As if sudden realization of what we were doing hit Vic as he pulls away and sits up causing me to straddle his lap once again.

He quickly fixes up his hair and looks at me. "I could do that more often. So, should we go back to the party?"

I sigh, not really wanting to go outside when I was so hot and bothered downstairs. "Sure." I lie. "There probably wondering were we went. It's not like we were watching the movie anyway."

Vic groans. "F**k! Mike is going to be mad."

Still on his lap I look at him quizzically. "Why? Didn't you talk to him?"

"I did. But he drug me to this party and he probably thinks I ditched or something." "

You did ditch." I point out.

"Ya. But he doesn't need to know."

I get up off of his lap and stand there so he can leave.

"You coming?" Vic asks.

I nod and follow him back outside.

"See you later Kells!" He waves and goes to find Mike.

I walk over to the fire and sit down beside Gabe. "Kellin! Were did you go today? We were looking for you!"

I shrug casually. "Just hanging out with Vic."

Gabe's smile grows on his face. "Well, did you have fun with him?"

"I have no idea. We'd go from fighting to k-" My eyes widen and I cover my mouth, realizing what I was about to say.

His eyes narrow suspiciously. "You went from fighting to what?"

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