Don't You Ever Forget About Me

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*Kellin's POV*

I take the rosé and my heart clenches in pain and hurt.

Don't cry Kellin. Don't cry. See? this is what happens when you get your hopes up.

"That's not all." Vic whispers as he takes the rose back and snaps it in half.

"What was that for?!" I yell angrily. Even though I was hurt it was still a nice gift.

"So I could give you this." He blushes and hands me a single red rose. "It means 'I love you'"

I could have sworn that this was a dream. The picnic, the food, the lake. Vic. All fake. I suddenly couldn't distinguish what was real from what wasn't.

"Say something Kellin." Vic whispers to me anxiously. "Am I dreaming?" I manage.

He looks at me and smiles a smile that reaches all the way up to his eyes. "Nope. But I can make it seem more like a dream if you want." I chuckle. "Yes please."

I take the rose from Vic's hand and set it gently beside me just in time for him to tackle me to the ground.

"I love you Kellin." He repeats in my ear, ticking me with his breath. I reach my hands up and run my hands through his hair. "I love you too Vic."

He closes the gap between our lips. It wasn't the same kiss as before. It was the kiss that stops your world, catches your heart of guard, and curls your toes.

I softly move my lips with his, neither of us feeling the need to deepen the kiss.

I roll over so Vic was on top of me and I feel him laugh.

My hands wander through his hair, down his back and then stopping to gently brush his cheek with my thumb, momentarily breaking our kiss so we could stare at each other.

Vic gives me one last quick peck on the lips before he sits up, pulling me with him.

"You do know that all the guys are watching us." He states. A blush creeps up on my cheeks. "Oh."

For the first time since we got here Vic opened the pizza box that I totally forgot about.

I grab a slice and so does Vic. "So, your band here too?" I ask. He nods as he shoves the rest in his face.

After about 10 minutes of silent pizza eating silence, we finish it off. I toss the pizza box behind us, I'll pick it up later.

"Why are you all the way over there?" Vic complains. I look over and notice that there was around two feet between us.

I scoot over so I was pressed up right beside him. Vic places his arms around my waist and I lean my head on his shoulder trying to hold back a idiotic grin growing on my face.

"Is this a date?" I ask.

Vic looks down at me. "Yes-"I give up on trying to hold back my smile. "-But I have a very important question for you."

He reaches out his hand and grabs mine, entangling our fingers together.

"Kellin Quinn Bostwick, will you be my boyfriend?"

Forget butterflies. I have mother f**king tigers in my stomach.

I note the inside of my lip. "Of course Vic."


So sorry it's so short!!

I was actually planning on making this chapter REALLY long but Tumblr got in the way :/

It's the weekend and I can't upload (going to Girl Guide camp) so there should be an upload on Monday :)

Vote. Comment. Fan.

Hugs and kisses XOXO.

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