Kissing In Cars

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SFWM Ch. 5

*Kellins POV*

I open my eyes slowly. I had a killer headache. It didn't help that the sun was shining through the curtain.

That's when I realize that I was in Vic's bed. His arm was draped around me in a loving way.

I couldn't help but smile at him. His eyes were still closed and his chest was slowly rising and falling.

Yep. I'm definitely falling in love with him.

I wanted to stay in here all day but my stupid full bladder wouldn't let me.

I slide his arm off of me and skillfully get out of the bunk without waking him up.

That's when I see Tony staring at me in shock. "What are you doing here Kellin?"

I look down and see I was in my boxers still. I frantically grab my pants and slide them on. "Uh..."

"Were you in there with Vic?" He asks. "No?" I try to lie but It comes out in more of a question.

And to make matters worse Jaime steps out of his bunk as well.

"Why is there so much talking?" He groans rubbing his eyes.

I turn around and he gawks at me. "What are you doing here so early Kellin? And were is your shirt?"

Luckily Tony senses my dis-ease and buts in. "Uh. Don't you have a show in an hour?"

I nod silently and pick up my shirt, and slide it on. "See you later guys!"

I sigh heavily as I exit the bus into the crisp morning air.

I sprinted to the bus and knock on the door.

Justin opens it. "Kellin! Where were you? I thought you said you were going to bed last night."

I put up my hands. "Please stop yelling, I have a wicked hangover and just let me inside already."

He rolls his eyes and steps aside. Everyone else was dressed and sitting on the tiny couch.

"So where did up to?" Jesse asks curiosly. Gabe cuts in with a laugh. "Probably with his f**k buddy. Am I right?"

I nod my head shyly. Jesse and Jack high five each other.

"Justin, you own me five bucks." Gabe holds out his hand and Justin reluctantly give his a pile of dollar bills.

"Wait? You guys bet on were I was?" I say astonished.

Gabe shrugs. "Good way to make five bucks."

I look at Justin. "So, where did you think I was?" "I said you were with Vic. But apparently I was wrong."

I almost cough in surprise. "You okay?" He asks me. "Ya."

I take a couple steps to the kitchen. "So when's are we playing next?"

Jesse looks at his watch. "An hour."

*Vic's POV*

I groan open my eyes. Where did Kellin go? Did regret last night? Probably, he was drunk and I took advantage of him. Well, I was drunk too but I was still thinking the same. It just brought me the confidence I needed.

I mentally say 'I'm sorry' and hop out of bed.

Mike, Jaime and Tony were sitting on the couch silently.

"Vic. Can we talk to you?" Mike says to me in a serious tone. Uh oh. What did I do this time?

I pull on my pants and go to sit across from them.

"What's up?" I try to act causal. "I think it's time to tell them what's going on." Mike adds.

"What do you mean?"

"They saw Kellin come out of your bunk this morning." He says.



"Don't worry Vic. Whatever you mean to say I promise I won't judge you." Tony reassures. "Me too." Jaime agrees.

I smile. "Thanks guys. Well, um...Im bi."

They look at me in shock. "I was not expecting that." Jaime mumbles as he walks up and gives me a hug.

When he sits back down Tony pipes up. "So, what's up with Kellin then?"

"I think you guys can easily figure that out." I murmur in embarrassment. They look at me in confusion then realization hits them.

"So are you two dating of what?" Mike asks me. I shake my head. "I don't think he likes me."

"Wait? Did you just admit you like Kellin?" Jaime says excitedly. "I never thought this moment would come!"

Did I like Kellin?

As a friend? Or something more?

"I don't care what you say. I'm positive Kellin likes you." Tony says. Jaime and Mike nod there heads in agreement.

"I have a feeling your planning something right Jaime?" I ask. He nods and a devilish grin appears on his face.


Two hours later I'm in the Sleeping With Sirens bus with my band.

Luckily Kellin was gone doing an interview and we could freely talk.

"So what brought you guys here on this lovely day?" Jack smiles and takes a sip of his energy drink.

"Well I think all of you should sit down for this. It's kinda important." Mike orders.

They look at us suspiciously but do as he asks.

"Well lets jump right in." Tony says. "We are trying to set up Vic with someone."

They all cheer. "Finally. You've been single for to long now. So, who's the lucky girl?" Jack asks me.

Before I could respond Jaime does it for me. "Let's be blunt about this. Kellin's gay and likes Vic."



Another chapter!

Sorry it's short (just like all the other chapters) but its either uploading short parts everyday or a 15 page one, once a month. You can tell what I chose. Don't want to keep you waiting! :)

Peace out.

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