Chapter 1

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Welcome to Chapter 1 of this new crossover called Home - now this is a three way crossover that started out as a one shot but then worked out it was getting to long to count as a one shot so decided to treat you all the full version - in relation to the normal question of what relationship this is, please read the note at the top of Chapter 2 - please enjoy!!!

Home? What is a home? Is it a place where you put down roots with those you love? Is it a person? A community? But what happens when your home gets ripped apart, who do you call when you don't know where else to turn for help? Luckily for Noah and Rafael, they knew exactly who to call and what they need to do.

"Alright you lovely crime fighters, we are heading to Beacon Hills California; the request has come curtesy of our dear friend Agent McCall and Sheriff Noah Stilinski. Eighteen months ago, Noah's son vanished on his way to the FBI Academy here in Quantico, no activity on his phone or bank account since his disappearance." Penelope Garcia starts explaining clicking the remote control to place the pictures on the screen for the rest of the team to see.

"Now you may be asking me why now we are being called in, two nights a go a young man named Alby stumbled into the Sheriff Station disoriented looking for help with claims that his friends needed help. He was taken into Noah's office to try and calm him down where the young man reacted to a photo of the Sheriff's son on his desk but identified him as Thomas."

"Last night, this young cherub stumbled into the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital; he had a gun shot wound to the chest which luckily was non-fatal. He is currently not awake yet, but Alby was taken to see him due a hunch and was able to identify him as Chuck. Alby advised they were held captive together with a number of other boys and one girl in a large area at the centre of large stone Maze." Garcia advised the room clicking the button once more to show a picture of the younger man who appeared to be no older than 12.

"Was Alby able to give anymore details about himself or Chuck or even the others been held?" JJ asked staring at the picture of Chuck while finding it hard not to think about her own son.

"Alby advised he was held for around three years that he can remember, Chuck appeared one month before Stiles arrived, but he states Stiles only arrived mere days ago. In total he advised there was around 40 boys present along with one girl, all of them exactly the same with no memory of their life before they arrived and within a day they had back what they thought was there name." Aaron Hotchner explained this time, his face stern as always but more with concern as he has met Stiles Stilinski before and helped Agent McCall with getting Stiles into the program.

"Time is off the essence right now, the group responsible for this will not be happy that two have escaped within days of not only an FBI recruit but the Sheriff's son arriving they may escalate whatever timeline they are working on. Garcia, I want you on the ground with us. Wheels up in 20." Hotch states before leaving the room and heading to his office to call Agent McCall to advise they are on the way.

Arrival at Beacon Hills

On the short plane journey over the entire BAU felt they now knew this tiny town before they even stepped a foot in it, the thing that made them all curious was the number of animal attacks that had taken over the small town for a few years but recently had calmed down.

Also for a small town they have already had two serial killers, neither of which was ever caught or placed in Jail. The Sheriff himself is recorded to have been a victim but saved along with two others by his own son and his friends.

Hotch, Reid, Garcia and JJ head directly to the Sheriff's station to get set up and to speak with Alby themselves while Derek Morgan and David Rossi head to the Sheriff's house to look at Stiles's room for clues as Emily Prentiss checks in at the Hospital to see if Chuck is awake and can answer some questions.

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