Chapter 17

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Welcome to Chapter 17 - you are all truly amazing, this story has reached over 4k views which is amazing to me - thank you everyone who has read, voted and commented so far - new chapter has arrived which is over 2k words so please enjoy!!!

Melissa's arrival in the room caused everyone to pause the random conversations that had started since the bombshell of how long Stiles had technically been dead for before his arrival at the hospital.

"Sorry no news yet on Stiles, he is still in surgery. Newt is still stable and showing more signs of recovery." Melissa informs once she had composed herself enough to speak with the mass number of eyes staring at her.

Her words met with a silent nod as she went to sit down to Rafael who quickly reached to squeeze her hand providing some much-needed comfort. Another two hours passed in a comfortable silence with small conversations breaking out but quickly dying off as they continue wait for news; each of them secretly hoping with each passing minute that the news they will receive will be good.

After another hour passing with no news, the door swings open before quickly been closed by a sweaty and tired looking Dr Geyer. He looks taken back at first by the vast amount of people rising to their feet as one and all looking towards him, he gulps deeply before starting.

"Alright everyone, Stiles is currently being taken to intensive care as we speak. Now he is alive, but he is not out of the woods yet; I must be honest with you all there is a chance he may never wake up." Dr Geyer advises as Noah collapses back into his seat, the weight of the news been given to him was too much to handle.

"Noah, we are not giving up on him and neither should any of you, but I need you to prepare for this possibility; his body has suffered a lot of trauma and it is going to take time for him to recover. How long exactly is up to him but if his heart stops again, I don't think we would get him back." Dr Geyer advises trying to provide Noah with some comfort but needing to be honest with Stiles's current outlook.

"Can we see him?" Scott asks his voice trembling as he fights to keep his emotions in check as takes a seat next to Noah and tries to comfort him as best as he.

"Right now, we are getting him set up in ICU where he will need to remain for now, give us about an hour to get his settled and I can take a two of you to see him." Dr Geyer advises rising to his feet and heading towards where Frypan and Minho are stood listening with the BAU.

"Minho and Frypan? I understand from Noah and Melissa that you are both the closest thing Newt has to family." Dr Geyer advises as the two men nod to answer his question, Morgan had placed a comforting hand on each shoulder in a sign of support and comfort.

"Yes sir! How is he?" Minho asks hoping for good news for once in his life, there has been so much darkness and danger in his life since he woke up in that screeching metal box almost five years ago.

"Ready for some visitors. It appears he is now fully cured from the Flare Virus and the surgery performed and successfully repaired the damage caused by the knife to his chest. We haven't yet told him about Stiles, we want to take it easy with him as he is still recovering." Dr Geyer advises and relief spreads over the room, silent tears run down Frypan's face before he wraps Minho into a hug as Morgan hugs the pair.

"Thank you, you honestly have no idea what this means to us." Frypan advises shaking Dr Geyer's hand after releasing Minho, the pair follow Dr Geyer out of the room after he promises to return once Stiles can have visitors.

JJ steps out to call Emily to pass along the news of Stiles and Newt to the others who were eagerly awaiting the news about their conditions. Hotch had stepped out also while Morgan hugged Garcia who was crying once more but this time out of relief.

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