Chapter 19

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Welcome all to chapter 19 - thank you everyone who has read commented or voted so far, this story has just reached 7k views which is amazing - here is the new chapter, enjoy!!!

Three hours since Melissa had left Minho alone pacing back and forth in the cold quiet room, in those three hours the room had slowly filled but remained just as quiet as they all waited for news. Three hours since Newt had last been sighted, the search was still ongoing with Deputies from the Sheriff station helping with the search.

The only time any conversation had been held was when Noah and the others had arrived with Minho demanding to know what had happened; Minho could only explain what he had seen before Melissa had brought him here.

The door opened once more as Melissa and Dr Geyer stepped inside before closing the door quickly behind them.

"Is Stiles okay?" Noah asks his voice shaking as he asks, scared of the answer that is about to be given.

"Stiles suffered what we refer to as a cardiac event, he was having signs and symptoms of having a heart attack without having one. It is more commonly referred to as broken heart syndrome, we have managed to stabilise him and will be remaining on the ventilator. Right now, I am reducing the number of visitors he is allowed down to just Noah until he is out of the ICU." Dr Geyer states knowing some will understand and others will not as they care so deeply for Stiles but right now, he needs to put his patient's health first.

"Broken heart. Newt." Minho whispers to no one in particular, the person who Thomas loved the most and battled so hard to save just left him and literally broke his heart.

Frypan places a hand on his friend shoulder before he shrugs it off and walks out of the room ignoring any voices shouting after him as he heads back towards the doors of the ICU. He knew he wouldn't be allowed access anymore as Dr Geyer had made that perfectly clear but right now, he has something Thomas needs to hear.

He waits until a nurse exits the ICU and slides through the open door before it closes and heads directly to Thomas's bed; compared to the last time he was here Thomas looked slightly paler and there was a new machine next to his bed. He also couldn't help but notice the crash cart now situated within reaching distance of Thomas's bed.

"Just making sure you haven't clocked out on me Greenie; I am going to go find Newt for you and drag him back here; after all he owes me for saving his arse also those years go so you keep fighting and I will go get your man." Minho states nodding his head before walking away and back out of the ICU and headed towards the exit, a Jeep pulls up in front of him with the window rolled down and Frypan behind the wheel.

"Dude, you are so like Thomas sometime. Come on, let's go find Newt." Frypan chuckles as he shouts out of the window before Minho steps forwards and hops into the Jeep.

"Where did you get the Jeep from?" Minho asks as he gets in and they start heading away from the Hospital and down the main highway of Beacon Hills.

"It's Thomas's Jeep or should I say Stiles's Jeep; apparently it was his baby before the Maze and Noah gave me the keys to help us find Newt." Frypan explains as they pull away from the Hospital and head out into the main street of Beacon Hills, Fry filled in Minho of what areas had already been searched and where they were heading next.

"Don't worry we will find him, if all else fails Agent McCall will call the BAU into helps us find him." Fry states as they wait at a traffic light on a deserted road, his hand tapping impatiently on the wheel waiting for the light to change.

Meanwhile back at the Hospital

Noah was glad when he was finally allowed into see Stiles once again, God knew how much he loved his son for who he is but sometimes he wished he would stop giving him so many scares and new grey hairs to add to his collection.

When he sat down and studied Stiles's face, he noticed that he had more colour present then the last time he had seen him, and his hands were doing gently twitches as though he was just asleep dreaming instead of in a type of coma. It amazed Noah how mature he looked now compared to when he went missing, his muscles had also grown more, and he looked more like an athlete then the skin defenceless Stiles he claimed several times to be.

"Don't do that to me again please, thought I was losing you then kiddo; I bet your Mum would have kicked your butt and sent you right back to me. You owe Minho an apology when you wake up, you scared the life out of him." Noah states in a wet chuckle as gentle tears run down his face while he reached out to hold Stiles's hand, he was surprised he had more tears left to cry.

"Don't worry about Newt we will find him and bring him back; he is probably just scared and confused, it must not be easy for any of them coming here with no memory of their life. But you are lucky, whether you remember or not you have an entire town waiting to welcome you home." Noah smiles in pride as wipes away his tears with his free hand, as he does, he feels movement under his other hand.

As he looked he noticed that Stiles's hand was slowly moving before starting to grip onto Noah's hand tighter, Noah's eyes lifted towards Stiles's face as his eyes slowly started to open. Noah watched as Stiles closed and reopened his eyes a few times as though adjusting to the light in the room, Stiles rolls his head towards Noah pulling on the tube down his throat causing him to start struggling against it.

"Shhhhh it's okay Stiles, just breathe son." Noah dived up and ran his free hand through Stiles's hair to calm him while allowing Stiles to hold onto his other hand, Noah momentarily removed his hand from Stiles's head to ding the bell for assistance before placing it back where it previously was.

"It's okay, you are safe now and you are home. I've got you!" Noah calmly states keeping Stiles's attention fixed on him instead of anything else.

"Noah, what's going on?" Dr Geyer asks as he opens the curtain up but gets his answer as soon as he sees Stiles staring at Noah.

"He just woke up; I felt his hand grip mine and his eyes opened. He was panicked due to the tube so I was just trying to keep him as calm as I can." Noah explained either way as Melissa appeared but made no attempt to move Noah away from Stiles.

"Stiles, if you can hear me blink twice." Dr Geyer asks Stiles while shining a light into his eyes before Stiles slowly blinks twice.

"Good Stiles, alright we are going to take this tube out. Now when we say so I need you to give me a cough, not going to lie this may hurt slightly." Dr Geyer advises as Melissa moves around Noah to help prepare to remove the vent and have the mask replacement on standby.

Stiles blinks twice again to show he understands and within a few moments the tube is out and replaced with a normal oxygen mask as Dr Geyer and Melissa continue to check him out; Noah notices Stiles seems out of it still but hasn't attempted to release his hand.

"Everything is looking good, rest now Stiles. You are safe!" Melissa states her motherly tone she reveres for Scott and Stiles coming out so naturally as she stares at the young man in front of her.

"Sssss yyyy." Stiles tries to speak but with having the tube down his throat and the lack of using his voice since he screamed after Teresa died.

"Easy Stiles, don't push yourself too much." Noah states reaching a cup of water from the bed side table and placing a straw inside before lowing Stiles's mask and helps him sip some water.

"Ssssooo...rrryyyyy" Stiles manages to slur out from behind the mask before screwing his eyes up and taking a few deep breathes.

"I got lost, you found me." Stiles tries and manages to get a full statement out as he looks at his Dad with tears in his eyes.

"You have nothing to apologies for, your home and that is all that matters right now." Noah states placing a kiss on the top of Stiles's head whose eyes were starting too slowly close once again.

"I want Newt." Stiles mumbles as his eyes drop closed as a single tear leaves his eye before soft snores are heard.

"Sleep Stiles, Newt will be here soon." Noah promise as Dr Geyer and Melissa leave Noah alone once again promising to come back once he is awake once more.

Thank you for reading - chapter twenty will arrive soon!!!!

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