Chapter 18

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Welcome to Chapter 18 - wow what can I say, 5k reads so far which is bonkers!! Thank you so much everyone for the love and support so far - here is the next chapter, enjoy!!!

As much as the BAU wanted to remain in Beacon Hills until Stiles woke up, they knew they had to return to Quantico and their families; so, one month after the rescue of Newt and Stiles along with fifty others the BAU packed up and started saying their goodbyes.

During the month they had stayed in Beacon Hills, Newt had been discharged from the Hospital and had moved into the Safe Haven; he had been offered Stiles's old room but stated it felt wrong and should be empty ready for its owner arrival.

Garcia and Reid had installed communication towers and had helped all of the residents to have the required documentation so they can start looking for work or enrol the younger children into School that was due to start in September.

Noah and Parrish had returned to work with Parrish taking a few more roles so Noah can work shorter hours to keep up with visits to the Hospital to see Stiles; Morgan and JJ had left with Emily to check out a lead from Interpol in relation to someone trying to reboot WCKD once again but arrived back to town looking a bit tired and beaten but deemed the whole mission a success.

Hotch and Rossi had set up a guard duty for the Safe Haven, they didn't want to add the additional work to the local Sheriff's, so with the help of Derek Hale the organised a timetable so there was always at least two people or one supernatural person on guard.

Rafael had agreed with the FBI to remain in Beacon Hills as a protection detail for Stiles and the Safe Haven, but it was just an excuse for him to spend some time with his family, both his old and newfound one.

Dr Geyer and Melissa continue to monitor Stiles and report back any changes which had been far between recently; they also performed regular check ins at the Safe Haven and ran several courses for the Safe Haven Residents to update their knowledge on basic first aid and fire safety tips.

Melissa also helped Frypan with his cooking, due to the limited range of ingredients and equipment available in the Glade he only knew how to cook his stew and porridge. Once word had spread around to the rest of Beacon Hills about the Safe Haven and what they had been through, more volunteers arrived to help with cooking lessons or donated food and utensils.

Life in both Beacon Hills and Safe Haven seemed to be moving forward the only part that seemed frozen in time was Stiles; since arriving in the ICU, he had made no improvement, nor had he declined any further. Dr Geyer, Melissa and their colleagues were stumped as they had expected by this time to have seen at least a slight improvement; they had run every test possible, but all came back normal yet here Stiles was needing the aid of a breathing tube to stay alive.

The suggestion had been thrown around for Scott or Derek to give Stiles the bite, but this was quickly ruled out as they knew this was not what Stiles had ever wanted; so instead his closest friends and family set up a rotation of visitors so that way once Stiles woke, he wouldn't be alone. A limited number have been given special permission to spend the night, but this was reserved only for Scott, Minho and Noah; an invitation had been extended over to Newt also, but he had declined quickly.

Minho was concerned over Newt's distance towards Thomas, anytime he had approached the subject with him or the campfire in the evening turned into telling stories of Thomas before the Trials; Newt had always found a reason to need to excuse himself whether it been heading to bed early stating he was tired or during the day suddenly remembered a class he had to attend or job he had promised to help with.

Before the BAU departed Minho had a chat with Morgan and Reid, he wanted some advice on how to handle Newt and get him to see Thomas without forcing him or making matters worse. Both were happy to offer some advice and even called JJ in to the conversation to provide a motherly perspective and advice.

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