Chapter 10

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Welcome to Chapter 10 - wow I don't know which I can't believe more, that we are already at Chapter 10 or that this crossover has just reached 1k reads!! - thank you everyone so much for the love and support, this is such a crazy crossover combination and I am so happy you all seem to be enjoying it - here is the new chapter, enjoy!!!

Scott and Lydia stepped outside expecting to see Noah there but he wasn't present, they asked a Deputy taking a lunch break if they saw which way he went; all the Deputy could say was the Sheriff took off in his car saying he need to grab something from the shop.

Scott's worry levels didn't decrease with this but increased more, Noah's drinking problem was not a secret to him after Stiles's Mum died; at that stage Stiles was the only reason Noah was able to reduce his drinking to the point he rarely drank at all.

Lydia hops onto the back of Scott's bike as they head towards the closet store known be open at this time of night, as they turn into the car park, they spot the Sheriff Cruiser parked near the store front with the owner know where in sight.

"Let's check inside, see if he is there or ask the shop clerk if they have seen him." Lydia advises as they take of their helmets placing them on the bike next the Cruiser before heading inside the shop.

Due to the time of night, they were not surprised to see it was empty inside expect for Noah stood there; he appeared to be waiting for someone as no shop assistance in view.

"Noah, are you okay?" Scott asks as the duo approach him; Noah jumps slightly not expecting to see the duo in here with him.

"What are you two doing here?" Noah asks looking back at them, his face showing obvious signs of recent crying based on the tear stains, red face and slight puffiness.

"You walked out so quickly looking emotional before we heard the door to the Station slam, we wanted to make sure you are okay." Lydia explains before giving Noah a quick hug, over the years they had grown exceptionally close and even more so since Stiles had disappeared.

Before Noah can answer the shop assistant walks out the back holding two tubs in hand, he beams towards the trio before setting the containers down on the counter. Scott and Lydia were surprised at what was placed down but also relieved it was not alcohol related.

"Stiles is the only one I know in town that eats this flavour." The shop assistant states with a sadness in his voice as he rings up the price of the ice cream on his till before Noah handed him over the exact change; Stiles's missing person flyer hanging at the front of the till.

"It was also his mother's favourite flavour; I personally never liked the taste. Found it too sweet for me, I will happily stick to my cookie dough. Catch you later Mike!" Noah advises picking up the tub of cookie dough and root beer ice cream before heading out of the shop with Lydia and Scott behind him.

They watched as Noah placed the two tubs into the ice box in his trunk before closing it and taking a seat on the bench just outside the shop door, the duo join him enjoying the calmness and tranquillity away from everything happening.

"Thank you both for coming to find me, I'm sorry I just needed to get out of there." Noah advises the pair even though he knew neither of them was expecting a thank you.

"No thank you required; family show up for each other no matter what." Scott states holding Noah's hand as tears shine in his eyes at the man who had become a role model in his father's absence.

"Come on, let's get back. You need to get your ice cream in the freezer ready for Stiles and Parrish messaged advising they have a lead." Lydia advises holding out her hand to Noah to help him stand up, he gratefully accepts as the trio have a quick group hug before returning to their respective vehicles.

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