Chapter 11

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Welcome to Chapter 11 - thank you once again for all the support, I am still undecided with this story if I am going to have any romantic ships or just keep it as plain friendship ships instead - I promise as soon as I have worked it out, you will all know! - here is the new chapter, two videos involved. Enjoy!!!

Rossi and Emily had left with Jorge to the Right Arm location, the goal to confirm the numbers they had present and to speak with their leader Vince and request his support with evacuation of everyone from WCKD. Parrish accompanied Frypan to the Crane but returned back to the Station as it made no sense for two to make the climb, Frypan had connected them to the channel they were using in the meantime.

Thanks to this channel they were able to determine that Newt, Gally and Stiles had entered WCKD headquarters with Teresa; it was go time which felt in away to them all more scarier knowing just one word from Teresa to a WCKD guard could unhinge their entire plan. A beep from Garcia's laptop broke the quiet that had filled the room; this is what she had been waiting for.

"Guys, The Resistance has just been given access to the full WCKD system including all files and security cameras. Accessing the cameras now so we have full eyes on everything." Garcia advises typing a short piece of code to access the cameras within the WCKD headquarters before projecting them onto the main screen for the rest of the group to see also.

"Well at least we have eyes and ears on the inside now so we can track the movements, trouble is they are going to be dressed as WCKD guards. Baby Girl, scan for Teresa in the crowd so we know roughly were abouts they are." Morgan states towards Garcia who gives him a look to say please I was already.

"Way ahead of you my love, so we have her entering the main holding area in the sub level accompanied by three guards but there are no cameras within this section. Now it is the case of waiting for them to show themselves, the cameras in the car park area are showing a young woman dodging between buses so I am guessing this is Brenda." Garcia advises highlighting the two relevant feeds to enlarge them as they all watch as Brenda moves silently between the guards.

Waiting and not been able to anything was driving all those present in the room crazy, it felt like ages before Teresa reappeared accompanied by two out of the two guards. They watch and follow them via the cameras as they head towards the lifts, patient was running thin for one as he hammered on the button wanting it to hurry.

Everyone watches as the doors slide open and the trio step inside pressing the button for the 20th floor, as the doors slide shut a hand sticks out blocking them from closing fully before reopening to reveal Janson standing there. The notice the guard directly behind where Janson has stood tightening and repositioning there hands on the gun they are holding.

"That must be Stiles, look at the change in his body language as Janson stepped into the lift with them, that means the one in the red must be Newt. So where is Gally?" Reid points towards the screen but before anyone can answer Janson speaks to Teresa.

"You're working late!" Janson states starting to make small talk with Teresa while Garcia enlarges the lift camera to focus and listen to what is happening inside.

"That is what I like about you Teresa, no matter how bleak things get you just well you never give up; times like this you need a friend you can count on." Janson whisper speaks his voice grinding the teeth of those watching knowing this is the face of the man that has hurt their family member and friend so much.

"I'll bear that in mind." Teresa states shortly her eyes fixed on the lift doors in front of her, she looked as though she wanted the lift to arrive quicker.

"There is one thing you should know, one friend to another. Thomas is here, the surveillance picked him up just outside the walls. Ava didn't want you to know but there is a chance he may try to contact you. If he does, well I would like to think I would be your first call." Janson states looking at Teresa and the BAU know the look he is currently giving her; he is monitoring her reaction as though checking to see if this was new information to her.

"Did you notice that I think potentially there maybe some fracturing happening between Janson and Ava Paige." Morgan points out as the others nod before listening back to the screen to hear Teresa's answer to what Janson had just told her.

"Are you going to kill him?" Teresa asks the concern evident in her voice, they could all tell that no matter what has happened she still cares about him and his safety.

"Will that be a problem." Janson answers his tone cold as though it was no big issues, Noah's fists balled tightly at hearing Janson's answer as Scott's eyes flash red before going back to their normal colour.

The lift stops with the doors opening before Teresa has a chance to answer, they watch as she leaves Janson behind with Stiles giving him a shoulder barge for good measure as they exit. Garcia splits the screen once more to follow Teresa, Stiles and Newt and the other to keep an eye on Janson.

"Guys, we have a problem!" Garcia advises as they all look mainly towards the lift picture as they watch Janson's facial expression change.

"How many times is that girl going to betray him like that?" Lydia states in shock at what she had witnessed, yet again Teresa had betrayed Stiles for WCKD.

"Bigger issues right now, they are trapped within a closed off area with WCKD on every inch of that building with a crazy man with a gun hunting for them. Also, the other main bit is Teresa said they were looking for a cure and something is different with Stiles's blood; what if Stiles is the cure?" Parrish states knowing none of them could have missed that point, Garcia typed faster on her laptop before bringing up the blueprints of the area in WCKD where Stiles is trapped.

"Alright, she shut them in the general laboratory area; now the good news it is larger then it appears with plenty of rooms for Newt and Stiles to hide in. Now the bad side is that now the fire door has been engaged, the only exit is via a staircase at the far end of the section." Garcia advises making the blueprint 3D so they can see the layout, she carries on typing as the others look tyring to find the reason for Stiles's reason to head from the holding area to the labs.

"Garcia, can you enlarge the car park camera please?" Rafael states pointing to the lower right camera, he spots a WCKD guard been followed by around 20-30 teenagers before Brenda appears in a Bus loading them all on quickly before the guard recovers his face and heads off again.

"At least kinda part of the plan is working, or not. Spoke too soon!" Noah states as they watch Brenda turn the bus on and put her foot down exiting the car park.

"Parrish and Reid, go to the agreed meeting point with a back up bus. Keep them safe. Garcia, separate screen and keep tabs on that bus please." Hotch orders as the two nods before heading quickly out without a second thought behind it.

"Hang on is that Ava?" Scott state pointing to the screen in the lab that had been trying to track Stiles and Newt since been trapped inside.

They watch as Stiles raises his small gun in Ava's direction with Newt right behind him, before Stiles can even consider what to do next Janson appears shooting with Newt saving Stiles's life. They watch as the pair race around the corridors taking guards out like a well-trained team while still seeming to be looking for Minho.

Relief flooded the room at seeing the trio been reunited once more, it is evident how close they are and how much they love each other with the relief at seeing each other. A few red flags raised about Minho's mental state due to his handling of the guard but that can be looked over seeing as what they have done to him.

"See this is why I hate watching reunion videos, they always make me cry." Rafael advises quickly grabbing a tissue before passing one to Noah, Lydia and Garcia all of whom were at the same emotional state he was.

"Alright let's focus, the easy bit is done. Now they have to get out of there!"

Thank you for reading - chapter 12 will arrive soon!!!

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