Chapter 5

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Welcome to Chapter 5 - thank you everyone for all the lovely comments, they really do make me smile - as a special thank you this chapter is extra long - so enjoy!!!

Much debate went around the room whether or not they should show Alby the footage they had managed to retrieve and to see if he can help identify any of the others present on the video, they also agreed to show him the photo Morgan had taken of the wall within the centre of the maze area.

Emily and Noah were both chosen to go speak with Alby as they had already formed some sort of trust level with him, they both open the door to Noah's office before quickly closing it behind them. Noah was carrying one of his mint hot chocolates which he gave to Alby as they arrived before sitting down next to him with Emily sitting opposite them.

"Alby, I am sorry about what happened to your friends, but we need your help." Noah asks keeping his voice as calm as possible, knowing right now Alby may be able to bring his son home.

"Who is he? Please, I want you to tell me who Thomas was outside of WCKD." Alby asks Noah as he places the mug down on the table before picking up the photo of Stiles from a few years ago.

"Well outside of WCKD he is known as Stiles which is only a nickname, he was named after his grandfather; I wish I could say he has had this easy life and a normal childhood that was all sunshine and roses but it wasn't. He lost his mother at the age of eight after watching her slowly lose her memories, to the point there was days she had no idea who he was; but that never stopped him from been by her side every chance he could." Noah starts wanting to paint the most honest picture of Stiles towards Alby as he could tell there maybe some resentment towards Stiles as Thomas.

"I struggled myself which is when WCKD arrived in our lives, it got to a stage where going to WCKD camp every summer was the only normal part of Stiles's life. He was always curious about everything which got him and his best friend Scott into a lot of trouble, he liked listening to my calls about things going on and tried to help; I could never be mad at him as he always did it with the best intention."

"You know this isn't the first time he has gone missing, certainly the longest but unlike last time I am unsure whether I will actually get him back. A few years ago, somethings went down that almost cost Stiles his life; thanks to his friends they managed to save him, but it resulted in the death of another friend. He still carries that guilt every single day, he may not say it but I can see it in his action; so off course when he said he wanted to be in law enforcement I wasn't exactly surprised." Noah advises remembering the time Stiles's was possessed and Allison died, none of them had really spoke about that time in detail; even Scott himself had no idea the full extent of what Stiles remembered.

Emily listened closely to the conversation, the team itself had only known small amounts about Stiles's personal life, as Rafael and Noah never really spoke about him much nor did Stiles's tell them much about himself when he was giving them support on the case.

"I think I remember when that was, Thomas came to camp and he was not himself; he was more quiet and reserved before he started getting into arguments with Janson and others. The amount of times Teresa had to drag him away to their secret place that we all knew about to calm down before he came back." Alby advises placing the photo down and wiping a stary tear that had escaped from his face.

"From that time everything changed about him, yet he was always there favourite. Then camp was closed but nothing stopped it just got worst, the tests got more intense and then one day I woke up all alone in the middle of nowhere with not a single memory, I didn't even know my own name. Thirty days I spent alone in a grass field surrounded by stone walls and screeching creatures; you know it took me nearly two days to remember my name, once I could remember that I made a promise to myself I wasn't going to die there. So I worked everyday building shelters and trying to find out what I could, I made a knife and carved my name onto a wall; you know when that box came back up and revealed someone else, I didn't know if I was dreaming or it was real."

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