Chapter 4

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Welcome to Chapter 4 of this crossover - thank you everyone so much again for all the love and support so far on this story, the response has been amazing so far - here is the next chapter, a video and picture are included - enjoy!!!

Team 2 – located at WCKD's way station

The message from Emily was a stark reminder to all of what they are fighting against, Chuck was so young and innocent and didn't deserve to die the way he had. Hotch, Rossi, Rafael, Liam, Chris, Lydia and Peter, all prepare themselves ready for what they may find inside.

Team one in position ready on your command

"Team two in position, ready on my command. 3,2,1 go go go!!" Hotch shouts into the radio before everyone starts moving towards the compound, SWAT agents lead the way and instantly take down three WCKD guards before giving all clear.

"Guys I am not liking this at all, I am sensing an overwhelming feeling of death right now." Lydia advises gripping onto Peter's arm as all the emotions cause her to become dizzy.

"I am hearing such a mix of sounds coming from all over; machines beeping through the door on our right but more important right now is there are several heartbeats coming from the lower sections." Liam points out closing his eyes to focus more on what he can hear, Peter nods to the others to show he can hear the same thing.

"Alright lets split this building up, Lydia you come with me and some SWAT agents and we will check out the beeping of machines; Rafael and Peter you head with another team of SWAT agents and check out the first lot of heartbeats that can be heard; Liam and Rossi take another group of SWAT agents to the other set of heartbeats. Everyone stay alert as there is friendlies mixed with bad guys, stay safe." Hotch arranges everyone before they split apart to their separate groups moving quietly but quickly through out the metal and stone building.

They head in the direction that Lydia feeling the most amount of death coming from, as they walk they find a knocked-out guard who is quickly zip tied ready to be transported later, Lydia bends down and removes the key card having a feeling it may come in use at some point.

They follow a winding corridor around until Lydia freezes outside one particular room, the door seemed the most reinforced then any of the other rooms they have come across; Lydia steps forward and uses the key card to open the door as the officers with her, train their guns ready as the doors slide open.

Blue lights shine out as they are all carefully step through the door to find another door, either side of them are weird looking creatures in tanks; before they can examine any further the door in front of them dings open and they step forward slowly before halting in shock as they enter the room.

Blue lights shine out as they are all carefully step through the door to find another door, either side of them are weird looking creatures in tanks; before they can examine any further the door in front of them dings open and they step forward sl...

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Nothing could have prepared any of them for the sight that greeted them, they each took a row slowly looking at each face hoping to not spot Stiles's or anyone else they may know. Each body was stringed up with tubes and wires coming out of everywhere and they all seemed to be having the life drained out of them.

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