Chapter 3: A Better Understanding

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The cold, clammy wall sent shivers down your spine. A single torch on the other side of the room near the ladder was the only source of light—a dim light. It was so dim that it made you feel even more alone and isolated in such a dark room. The shackles around your wrists and ankles caged you. They were like burdens. Every time you moved yourself, their clangs were a reminder of your fear and reality.

A giant creak sounded overhead. You looked toward the ladder, a heavenly evening light shining down—a light you wouldn't be able to grasp.

It wasn't long until you saw your royal captor. A bag hung from his shoulder and he took it off and rummaged through the pouches. Eventually he lifted out a small, square bag that held your lunch. He threw it to you and you took the bag and opened it. It was the same meal as all the other days: a porgy sandwich, a single apple, and a canteen of water.

You took a bite of your apple and sighed, "Sidon, I've been having this same thing for every meal for a whole week! Can't you switch it up a bit?"

Sidon sat down in the middle of the room. He would leave if he could, but he couldn't leave until you were done eating—king's orders. "I'm sorry, but cooking isn't exactly my position. I'm the one who checks up on you and makes sure that you don't escape. I'm not the chef."

"Come on its—Ugh, never mind, " You continued to eat your apple, purposely taking small, dainty bites. Your meals were the only interesting thing that happened during the day since that was when you actually had company. If you weren't eating, you were just sitting in silence with your loud thoughts or trying to sleep the day away. "Anyway, how's life on the surface? Are people looking for me?"

"Obviously," Sidon leaned back on his hands. "It's all over the news and search parties are everywhere." Even though you expected to hear that, it still gave you a sense of comfort to know that many were working tirelessly to find you. "You'd think all the news would be raising awareness, but majority are just pointing fingers. Currently everyone is accusing us Zoras."

"And are they wrong?" you munched more on your apple and gave him a knowing look. "Seriously, the Hylian and Zora relationship was bad before, but I'm sure it's worse now—and it's all your fault! All of this could have been avoided if your stupid guards just didn't kidnap me. I still don't know why I got kidnapped anyway!"

Sidon heavily sighed, "I'll tell you why. Those stupid guards that kidnapped you, they thought that you were just some normal Hylian wanting to invade on our land. I don't know how they didn't recognize the literal princess of Hyrule, but what's done is done."

You dropped your apple core into the bag and lifted out your sandwich. Again, you purposely took small bites. "Listen, all I want is to be back home with my family, so I'll make you a deal. If you let me go, I won't tell anyone about this. I'll just tell them that some Yiga guys kidnapped me for ransom or something. That'll be believable."

"Yeah," he scoffed, "like I'd ever believe you to do that."

"No, I'm serious!"

"No, you aren't. Your just gonna' manipulate me into trusting you and put my whole people in danger."

"Manipulate?" You felt like you were being truly genuine in asking to be set free. How can he not clearly see that? "Where the heck did you get that idea from?"

"You Hylians have always been that way! You forced us to help with the whole calamity thing, and in the end hundreds of our people died because of it!" You opened your mouth to speak, but Sidon cut you off. "And don't even try to speak on this! You weren't there when it all happened. I was there for it all. I saw the hordes of monsters terrorizing my home, I saw soldiers die on the ground from exhaustion, I saw the guardian lasers exploding in the sky, I saw everything! All of that happened because of you Hylians."

You were a bit taken aback at how angry he was. It was true, you weren't there when the calamity happened. You don't know all the details, but you do know what your mother and father went through, what they remember, and their struggles. No doubt the Calamity brought grief to everyone, but the Calamity wasn't the Hylians' fault, it was Ganon's.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through all that," you spoke gently, clearly seeing that retaliating his anger wasn't going to get the conversation anywhere. "I understand how it can be seen as our fault that the Calamity happened, but we really had good intentions. We wanted to stop the Calamity. Zelda, my mother, worked tirelessly to awaken her powers. Her power awakened when it was too late, causing many lives to suffer. She beats herself up over it everyday, thinking about how many lives she could've saved if she only awakened it sooner."

Sidon looked down at his hands and sighed. A solemn look came upon his face, "I know, but we have other reasons. The Yiga were part of the calamity too. I'm sure you know that the Yiga are strictly Hylian. They were part of the monster hordes preventing us from saving..." he grew quiet, almost like some force made him unable to speak.

"...Mipha," you finished his sentence. Your thoughts were finally confirmed. This has all been about Mipha. All of it. Mipha did trust the Hylians, in fact, she even loved one of them, your father. It's no wonder the Zoras may think that Hylians are evil and deceitful.

Sidon looked up at you, a mix of anger and sadness in his eyes. "Are you done?" You looked down at your half eaten sandwich and Sidon only sighed, knowing the answer. "I'm done talking." He stood up and walked to the ladder.

"Wait," your mind raced with questions, "I'm not done eating! You can't leave until I'm done. And what about this bag?"

"Just keep it," he gripped the ladder tightly and set his foot on the bottom ring of the ladder.

"This is all about Mipha, isn't it?" you blurted out, hoping to make him stay and talk more. He did stop for a second, but then continued up the ladder. You stood up and tried to move towards the ladder as far as you could before the chains stopped you. "Sidon, why are you running away from this?"

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