Chapter 28: Fluorescent Tears

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Now that your father went to check on Ezra, the whole battlefield was yours. You would be lying to yourself if you said you weren't nervous. You've never fought with this power before, and while you did have your sword and shield with you, two powerful malice guys seemed like a big challenge. You just had to keep telling yourself: focus on Raikin.

You slashed your sword forward and your power transferred the action into a beam of light. The light shot towards Raikin and it hit his chest. He screamed from the pain, and you quickly moved forward to bombard him with your light attacks.

"No you don't!" Sidon rushed towards you and rammed you to the side.

You grunted and used your sword to block his trident from thrusting into you, but he kept pushing, and you did as well. Both of you didn't let up, but you could tell that he was getting the upper hand. Your arms began to shake as his force grew stronger and stronger. It didn't help that Raikin came to Sidon's side. The Yiga Master set his hand above you and his hand grew tense. For a moment you were confused, but then you realized that you couldn't move. A red force surrounded you.

"Let's end this once and for all!" Raikin's hand grew even more tense, and Sidon stood his ground and kept you struggling. "I will sever your thread!" As you looked up at his hand, you noticed a dimmed white light. You started to grow weak, and then you realized he was taking your power away.

"No!" You yelled and tried to squirm around, but you couldn't. "Sidon, stop him! Please! Please fight it! I can't do anything!" You felt yourself grow drowsy with each passing second. Once again, your soul was being taken, and you couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Stop screaming!" Raikin scolded. "This will only take a moment."

Right as he said that, a beam of light shot from his left side and made Raikin fly back. Another beam of light hit Sidon and he flew back as well. You gasped as you finally felt control of your limbs again. You looked to your left to see your mother running down the hill to you.

"Mother!" You stumbled and hurried to her.

She wrapped you in a big hug and kissed your cheek, "____, you're alive! Are Link and Ezra safe too?"

"Yes, we're fine, well, barely."

"Good," she looked passed you at the two malice hosts, although her gaze mostly focused on Raikin. The two hosts both seemed dazed once again. "I need to deal with Raikin." She let go of your hug. "Can you fight Sidon?"

"I'll try," you looked at the Zora Prince, his eyes angry. "Are you sure you can fight Raikin alone?"

"I'm more than positive. It's time that I confront him."

The both of you went your separate ways, you to Sidon and her to Raikin. Both of you were now fighting your own battles. One about love. Another about family.


As you fought with Sidon, your mother threw light after light at Raikin. The Yiga Master was barely able to dodge them, and began throwing his own balls of malice at her. The queen blocked them all and sent more rays of light his way, and they were powerful rays. Her emotions greatly affected the strength of her power, and with the anger she was withholding, her power was more stronger than ever.

"I will not let you win!" Raikin punched his hand forward, a beam of malice coming forth. However, Zelda's beam of light overtook it, and the light directly hit Raikin's chest. It was like every element in a way. It stunned the man. It burned him. It froze him. It weakened him.

Misguided Nobility || Sidon x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now