Chapter 18: Light vs Dark

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"This... is a lot to take in," Link leaned forward. You clenched your hands together, your mind drowning from scenarios of what Sidon could be doing or what could be happening to him.

"How could the Yiga figure out something like that?" Zelda looked to Link, knowing that they were both thinking of the same thing.

"A traitor," Izaak scowled, confirming what they were thinking.

Link looked to Izaak and nodded, "Exactly. A few years back, the researchers in the Royal Ancient Tech Lab were testing some malice, and they found some horrible things about it. I have a strong feeling that this must be the same malice."

"Poor Sidon. When the researchers tested it on living creatures, they found that the creatures would be in great pain," Zelda explained. "I can't imagine what Sidon could be going through. Who could the traitor have been?"

"...Mandy," your eyes widened, never making the connection before. The three looked at you with surprise.

"How could Mandy have done that?" Izaak huffed. "She left me because I apparently wasn't good enough for her and she didn't want to take care of a child. She also hated you guys too, but still. I don't think I ever saw her even near the tech lab!"

"That's because she hid it from you!" You exclaimed. "One thing that I didn't mention was what I found out about Mandy. She joined the Yiga after she left us. She was working for the Yiga ever since you met her, Izaak! Her 'being part of the family' was just a mission to her. She did it to collect data on us... on me. She must've stolen the notes to the malice and found ways to perfect it."

"Great, now what do we do?" Izaak shook his head, still in disbelief from the news of his ex wife. "We got Sidon, who is now a lethal death machine, the Yiga is trying to kill us, and we still have to worry about the Zora raging war on us."

"There isn't another way to avoid this war," Link leaned back in his chair and folded his arms. "Everything is too far gone."

"Then let's push forward with it," Zelda encouraged. "I don't want this war either, but at this point we have to fight fire with fire. ____, if Sidon really has changed, then we need to focus on him. If we can somehow heal him, maybe he can convince his people to forfeit. That way we can focus ourselves on the Yiga."

"We could try," you sighed, remembering how frightening Sidon was in the state he was in, "but it's going to be hard. He's extremely powerful. We'll need multiple people to trap him and keep him contained until we can figure out a way to help him."

"Right," Zelda stood up, "____, come with me to the tech lab. We must act immediately. Izaak, Link, make sure our defenses are up, and be aware of any spies. We can't risk anymore information getting into the wrong hands. Oh, and make sure that ____'s return stays inside the castle. I don't want to chaos any more confusion and chaos than there already is."


Paya searched through piles and piles of files until she finally found the papers that were dedicated to the malice research. "Here it is!" She brought the papers over to you and Zelda. Your mother took the papers and skimmed through the pages. "Once we found out how dangerous this malice was, we immediately stopped. We didn't want to risk causing anymore pain to living creatures."

Zelda set the papers down on the table, "There were never any tests on Hylians or other races, right?"

"Correct. Animals and monsters were the only ones tested," Paya looked you up and down. "And you said that you were injected with that malice... you seem to show many of the same effects after the malice has worn off: exhaustion, weakness, scattered mind. However, with how you explained your experience, it seems like you didn't have any sort of aggression."

"When Sidon was being controlled from the malice, he was extremely aggressive," you commented. "He didn't look exhausted, weak, or confused either. He seemed like he had energy for days, and he literally ripped my chains off no problem."

"Hmm," The curious lead researcher paced around for a bit then stopped, "that's interesting." She began to rummage through the papers. "Our research would show the specimens having major aggression, which would make them influenced to do more violent acts and have profound strength. Then again, we never tested it on an actual being. The malice could react differently for a Hylian than a Zora."

The three of you stood there thinking for a moment, but then your mother put her hand on your shoulder. "____," she began cautiously, "you said that you vomited some sort of light, right?" You nodded. "And you felt like your own soul was being eaten away?" You nodded again. "Did Raikin ever tell you what the malice was doing to you?"

"No, he wouldn't tell me anything," you folded your arms. "All I know is that I hated it, and yesterday I felt like I was on the brink of death. I could barely get around. Walking was painful, and—" She held her hand up to signal you to stop talking. Her and Paya looked at each other, worry in their eyes. "What?"

"Now I understand," Paya breathed out.

"The malice was different with you because you have the blood of the Goddess!" Zelda exclaimed. "He was destroying your connection!"

Your mind flashed back to when Mandy told you why you were there in the first place. Your connection to the Goddess. "How did I not realize? What am I going to do then?"

You began to feel an intense anxiety build up inside you. You've never figured out how to awaken your power. Throughout your life your mother would help you, but she never forced it upon you to learn. Destroying this malice would also most likely need to be destroyed by its complete opposite: the sealing power. The problem with this is that your own mother's power isn't as powerful as it used to be, and your power would most definitely be weaker since most of your connection is most likely gone.

"As much as I hate to come back to it, we need to resume research on this malice," Paya determined. "My mind immediately thinks to destroying this malice with the sealing power. I don't want to exhaust your power anymore Zelda, but I suggest we go through with it."

"I agree," your mother looked down at her hand. "Whatever it takes to stop this war and protect ____."

"But what if it's not enough?" You asked timidly. "What do we do then?"

"Then we'd have to awaken your powers as soon as possible."

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