Chapter 12: The Last Straw

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"Oh, this is no good," Muzu paced around the throne room. "Sidon isn't back and Link and Zelda are coming today! It's been a week, Sidon should be back by now."

"It is possible that there could have been some delays," Dorephan sighed, his mind overwhelmed about the whereabouts of his son. "Although, we did contact the Yiga to meet him halfway. It should've taken Sidon only two days to get to that point and return home another two days."

"King Dorephan, don't you see that the answer is clear?" Muzu stopped pacing. "The Hylians immediately suspected that we were the culprit. I'm sure someone found him and took him away! Heck, they could've even killed him!"

"No, no, it can't be. The news would've spread like wildfire if he was caught with ____. Unless they purposefully kept it secret..." Dorephan's expression darkened. "I can't let them take away another family member of mine again..." he tightened his grip on the throne's arm rest.

"Exactly! I'm sorry to say this King Dorephan, but I'm afraid that we must act. We can't let them stomp over us anymore!"

"You're right." Dorephan angrily sighed. "Whether it was them or the Yiga, it's all the same. My son is in danger. We must be cautious when they come."


Followed by hundreds of Hylian soldiers, Zelda, Link, and Izaak were the first to travel through the Great Zora Bridge. Zora soldiers lined the edges of the staircases leading to the throne room. Many Zora citizens watched the Hylians with a judge-full eye, silently cursing them for invading their homeland.

The three royals travelled on the left staircase and half of the soldiers followed them and the other half used the other staircase. Once the second flight of stairs were reached, Zelda, Link, Izaak, and two of the Hylain captains walked into the throne room. The soldiers stayed at the base of the stairs, waiting for instructions.

Dorephan sat proudly on his throne, a slight glare could be seen, but he was overall professional. Muzu stood to the side of Dorephan's throne. The green stringray wasn't even hiding his disgust.

Zelda, Link, and Izaak walked onto the platform, while the two Hylian captains stayed to the side. "Queen Zelda, King Link, Prince Izaak, I welcome you to our humble domain," Dorephan slightly nodded.

"Thank you for accepting our request," Link returned the nod.

"Not like we had much of a choice," Muzu muttered, and Dorephan and Izaak gave the old Zora a silencing stare.

"I assure you that we had nothing to do with Princess ____'s disappearance," Dorephan began. "However, I understand that our relationship hasn't been kind lately, and it is possible that one of my people could've done such a horrible thing. You have my permission to look all over the domain."

"Thank you very much Dorephan," Zelda took a step forward. "If I may ask, where's Sidon?"

Dorephan sighed, a frown coming upon his face. "I'll explain in a moment. Your troops should start searching around now."

Link and Zelda looked at each other. The Hyrulean King simply shrugged then looked back up at Dorephan, "Of course. Izaak, start the search."

Izaak nodded and turned to the captains, "Like we discussed, we search everywhere inside and out. Separate the soldiers into their designated groups with their dedicated leader. Make sure their designated locations are searched thoroughly. Understand?"

Inside and out? Those words only irked Dorpehan more.

"Yes, Prince Izaak," the two captains saluted and hurried out to the soldiers. Izaak turned to his parents, gave a slight nod, then went off to search with the captains and troops.

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